-third wheelin-

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Since Riley couldn't hang with Farkle, she was forced to go with Maya and Lucas the movies. Luckily, Zay was third wheeling as well. She couldn't imagine being alone with the two.
The smell of popcorn immediately made her nauseated as she walked into the crowded theater.

"I can pay for your popcorn if you'd like." Zay asked, but Riley shook her head.

"I'm fine, thank you."

He shrugged, linking his arm in hers. "We might as well just third wheel together." He smirked.

The movie they were going to see wasn't her style- it definitely wasn't something her and Farkle would see, but It was better than being miserable at home. "So, how are you, the Zay-ster?"

Zay smiled, but there was something sad about it, It didn't reach his eyes.

"I'm fine, still kind of upset about Smackle. I mean, we dated for almost a month, you'd think it meant something."

"And it did, she told me herself!" Riley joked. "She would've hurt you even worse if she cheated on you, now wouldn't she?"

He nodded slowly. "You're right, maybe it was for the best." He paused, keeping eye contact with Riley. "Maybe one day I'll be as lucky as Farkle."

"What do you mean?" She smiled, leaning into him.

"You're an amazing person. You put everyone else in front of you. I guess I mean I'd love to find someone like you someday." His eyes drifted away from hers and onto the screen, where the previews were still rolling.

Riley comprehended what Zay said to her, did he confess his love for her? Nah.. She shook away the thought. "Yeah, I hope you do too."


He and Riley hung out for the rest of the day at Topanga's, making stupid jokes and enjoying each others company. She could definitely see why Smackle liked him.
Riley knew that he liked her as more than just a friend, though she only viewed him as one. Besides, Zay wasn't like Lucas, who was jerky enough to go after someone else's girlfriend.

"Riley Matthews, you are officially the most talented person I know." He laughed as she tossed and successfully caught a raison in her mouth.

"Thank you, thank you!" She bowed.

"So... where's Farkle?"

"He's.. Doing college prep. His did wants him to go to Harvard next year." A lump grew in her throat talking about it.

"I'm sorry, are you gonna break up?"

"I don't think so.." She responded, fiddling with her fingers.

"Why are you nervous?" Zay chuckled.

"Nervous? Me? No!"

"You play with your fingers when you're nervous, just like Maya stutters, and Lucas avoids eye contact."

Riley laid her chin in the palm of her hand. "You're quite the observer, aren't you?"


~ A/N
before you comment, no they are not romantically involved haha, just decided to include Zay a little more bc Ziley is a cute concept ~

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