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Farkle grunted as he helped Riley fit her skates on her feet. "I almost got it!" She laughed, stomping her left foot on the floor.

"Ouch my hand!"

"Aw, babe! Did I step on it?" She gasped, kissing the palm of his hand.

"Nah, it's just a broken finger. Nothing to worry about!" He joked, helping her up.

"I think I got it." Riley held on to Farkle's shoulder as she attempted to skate without falling on her butt.

"If I were you I wouldn't-"

Just as she let go, she hit the floor with a soft thud.

"Need a little help there?" She looked up to see Lucas' icy blue eyes staring down at her.

"That'd be amazing." Riley chuckled, offering her hand.

Farkle stood to the side of her, keeping an eye on them. She chuckled to herself at his jealousy.

"Shall we skate?" He asked, purposely ignoring Lucas.

"Sure thing!"

As they skated to the pop music blaring through the speakers, Smackle came soaring their way.
"Move out the way, people!" She yelled, crashing into the skating rink gate.

"Isadora!" Farkle held in a laugh.

Smackle's face twisted into a grimace. "I-I think-"

"You think what!" Asked Riley.

"I think I broke it! My ankle!"

After the manager was alerted about the accident, the paramedics arrived to take her in.

"Should we go?" Asked a worried Farkle.

"-I don't know if they allow people other than family." She took out her phone. "We should probably call her parents."

"Woah, what happened?" Maya asked, skating to the gate, where they were helping Smackle onto the stretcher.

"It was so... Random." Farkle said. "She was skating and then she crashed into the gate."

"Ooh," Maya winced. "That's a month in a cast."

Farkle sighed, taking Riley's hand in his. "Let's skate!"

After making a lap around the rink, Riley poked his rib.
"You're jealous of Lucas, aren't you?"

"Pfft, as if!"

"Clueless, much?" She finally let go of Farkle's shoulder without falling down. "I'm really getting the hang of this!" Riley spun around cheerfully.

"Why would you think that?" He remained on the Lucas subject.

"Well," she giggled. "Probably because you get all defensive whenever he talks to me."

"I don't!" Farkle protested. "I just don't like him... talking to you, or breathing next to you, or looking at you-"

"In other words?"

"I'm overprotective, that's all!" He smiled down at her.


Later on, they went to visit Isadora in the hospital.

"Hi smackle!" Riley chirped, setting a bouquet of balloons beside her bed.

"I don't even know how it happened!" She whined, drinking out of her water bottle.

"Accidents happen, but hey, you're not completely useless." She smiled, tucking a strand of Isadora's hair behind her ear. "You can still do stuff, just not active stuff!"

"Which you don't do, anyhow." Farkle snickered.

"Because that helps so much." Her boyfriend Jason sneered, entering the room.
"See what happens when you don't want to introduce me to your friends? If you were skating with me, this wouldn't have happened."

"What?" Asked Farkle, curling his fists.

"It's not.. What you think." Smackle sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Really?" Riley tilted her head. "Because it seems like you're embarrassed of us or something."

"Why wouldn't she be?" Jason spoke up. "You all have the IQ of a mentally challenged dog!"

"Okay, not cool!" Smackle scolded.

"I'm sorry my beloved, please allow me to give you a hug out of sympathy?"

She shrugged, opening her arms.
"I think you guys should go." Isadora smiled warmly. "Thanks for the flowers and all, but I'll be out of here by tonight."

Riley abruptly pushed through the door, Farkle following after her. "Well that went great!" She said sarcastically.

"Yeah, except for the part where she doesn't mention that her boyfriends a total di-"

"There you guys are!" Maya shouted from the end of the hallway.

"Yeah here we are, but where were you?" Riley asked.

"I was.. Um.. Taking care of business. So how's smackle?"

"Smackle is great," farkle huffed. "But her boyfriend? Not so much!"

"Ugh, drop it." Maya laughed, linking arms with Riley. "I have big news!" She paused, a vast grin on her face. "My mom is getting married!"

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