Running Into The Devil

Start from the beginning

"Wouldn't dream of it."

He walks closer, sending chills down your spine. You consider trying to defend yourself with the knife in your pocket or the gun in your other pocket, but you know it wouldn't be wise, and it wouldn't work anyways.

"So it's true. Lucifer is walking the earth again," you say shakily.

"Yep. And I have to say, your parents have really been a thorn in my side."

You narrow your eyes.

"What did you do."

He doesn't answer, and instead studies your face.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?" You yell. He raises an eyebrow.

"You really should watch your tone with me."

You shrink down as he places his hand next to your head. You almost say sorry, but instead just try not to cry. You are still only 14 after all.

You look behind him when you see movement outside your window. He turns his head a bit, but not much. He stares into your eyes after a moment, and you stare right back. You see flecks of dark blue in his almost gray eyes. Finally, you look away. He moves your head to look him in the eye again.

"Are you scared of me?" He asks with a hint of a smirk on his lips.

"I'm not scared of anyone," you growl.

"Well," he leans in closer. "You should be."

The door bursts open suddenly.


"Sam, Dean, haven't seen you two in a while. How's life been treating you?"

Lucifer turns away, but when you try to move, you find you can't.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere."

He smiles back at you and then looks at the Winchesters again.

"Leave her alone," Dean says, lifting a gun.

"You know that won't work on me. Remember last time?"

You look pleadingly at the boys.

"She's only a kid," Sam says incredulously, still not understanding quite how anyone, even Lucifer, could do this to a child.

"You think that makes a difference? Her parents were a real problem for me, and she learns from them. I want her gone."

Dean fires the gun once, twice, three times, but it barely affects him. The wounds heal within an instant. Lucifer shakes his head and raises his hand to do something when you hear the flapping of wings and another man is suddenly in the room.


The man's voice is deep and rumbly, reminding you of thunder.

"Castiel, what a pleasant surprise."

Castiel glares at him.

"Leave the child alone."

"Last time I checked little brothers didn't tell big brothers what to do."

"Last time I checked, big brothers didn't throw tantrums and start the apocalypse just because they were mad at Daddy," you smart off sassily. Suddenly your air ducts squeeze shut. You gasp and shake against the door, trying to reach up to your throat. Your peripheral vision starts to fade out, but just before you surrender to the darkness, you can suddenly breathe again. You suck in air greedily.

You jump when you hear the sound of fighting, and realize you can move again. Castiel has a long silver blade of some kind, as does Lucifer.

"Angel blade," you whisper in awe. You'd never seen a real one before.

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