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I woke up and groaned. My eyes trying to adjust to the light. A memory of yesterday came flooding back to me. I groaned. No. He kidnapped me. My friend. Kidnapped me.

I was about to get up when I realized I was tied to the bed. My blue hair was stuck to my face because I was sweating. I was scared. Just then the door opened and he came in with that crazy smirk on his face.

"What do you want from me?!" I yelled in horror. He sat on a chair. "You." He spoke and laughed. "No..no..LEAVE ME ALONE!" I cried. "Oh little Marina..it's okay. Soon you won't even remember who you really are." He chuckled and I closed me eyes.

"Floyd." I whispered. The Joker laughed. "Floydy Wody won't be saving you my dear." His lips close to my ear. "No one will."  I sobbed and cried like a baby. He grabbed my cheek and for once I thought that I saw my friend..but that suddenly disappeared. He left the room leaving me to cry like a baby.


"WHAT THE HELL YOU MEAN..OF COURSE IT WAS HIM!" Floyd yelled angrily at the boss of the place Amanda Waller. "We don't know it was Joker for sure Deadshot." She said with a blank face. He grumbled. "Well then if yall aint going to help, i'll find her myself." He told her as he was about to walk out of the office.

"How do we know you won't try to escape?" "You don't." And with that Deadshot left looking for his 'love.'

"Flag..go get the Suicide Squad..were helping." Amanda stated. "Why would-." "I said. Go get the suicide squad!" She demanded aggressively. Flag nodded and went to get the Villains.


Joker took me into a lab room and now I'm strapped to a bed. "Please Joker..you don't have to do this!" I sobbed and the Joker laughed. "Of course I do sweetie." He was going to turn me crazy..Just like Harley and Him.

He got a needle with pink liquid it. I struggled but it was no use. I could get free. He stuck it in me. I screamed as the pain grew. I felt my tears flowing in my eyes. It was making me sleepy and I felt like I was going to pass out.

All I could think about



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