Chapter 30: How Cute

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I spent the next few days settling into 'Wayne Manor'. In that short time, I had the pleasure of meeting Bruce Wayne's older adopted sons. Dick was around more often than the rest of them, which I didn't mind because we got along quite well. Damian had a tendency to become annoyed by his older siblings and their shenanigans. They're all adult children if you ask me.

I also didn't mind spending time with Titus, even though he was a huge dog, he was also an absolute sweetheart. He even slept in my bed, where he took up a full half of the bed and would cuddle with me at all times possible.

Damian and I had been spending more time together too. "You know, I've had that did for a long time, and he already prefers you over me." Damian joked as the movie we'd been watching showed the closing credits to the film. I immediately grinned and shot back at him, "That's because I'm a lot prettier than you, and I'm a complete master at belly rubs!"

"I guess you'll have to show me sometime." He said with a wink. I elbowed him straight in the ribs and responded, "How cute, you think I love you more than I love Titus!" All the while I was scratching the top of The Great Danes head.
"Liar." Damian whispered in my ear. "Think what you'd like, Wayne." I looked up into his eyes.

Damn those stupid, overwhelmingly beautiful eyes of his.

In that moment his face moved close to mind, it was then that he said, "Oh sweetheart, I will. I promise." Just as his breath met my lips, a second later so did his lips. Usually I would've slapped him, hard, because that's what I promised myself I'd do, but I didn't. Because I was too busy making out with him. My hands clenched the collar of his blue shirt, and his hand held my sides.

And then, just like that, he pulled away and grinned at me with brilliance. "I really do love proving you wrong. So I was thinking tomorrow night we're going out. On a date, because I know I want to, and I'm pretty sure you'd like to too." I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Alright, I suppose that tomorrow night will work..." I gave in to his charm and stood up. "Well, goodnight Damian." As I walked away I felt like a freshman with crush, and butterflies in their stomach.

And that was the beginning of that.

I have so many ideas & so little time. Makes me want to scream, but then people would look at me weird and judge me. So I won't. I'll just cry over the mini notebook I carry around to
ensure I never lose the chance to write down a good idea.

Let's try and get this part 10 votes!!!

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