Chapter 27: An Eventful Morning

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By the time the sun looked through the windows and into my eyes, I woke up. I woke up to the bitter sweet smell of fresh morning coffee and the sound of crying. When I looked over Damian was already holding Delia, and after awhile she was quiet again.

"You're still here?" I said in a soft groggy voice as I squinted at him.

"Yeah, Sierra had to go run some errands. So I stayed to help you, so you could sleep." He said while rocking Delia back and forth in his arms. "I also got you some coffee. It's black. That's how you like it right?"

"Yeah, thanks. How long have I been asleep anyways?"

"About eleven hours, but you needed it." I rolled my eyes in response and stretched my arms over my head with a yawn. Just as I finished a nurse came to check on me.

"Well good morning! We're happy to see you awake with the rest of your family. You're lucky to have such a great husband. He's been a huge help." She came over to my bedside and checked my blood pressure while smiling and humming happily.

"Wait. Husband? He's not my husband, we aren't-" As my confusion set in, Damian interrupted with lies.

"Yeah, we had to put off the wedding for these two. Probably gonna have to wait a little longer so she can recover." He smiled and looked at me and trying to convince me to go along with it with his eyes.

"Well alright dear." I said sarcastically.

And as soon as the nurse left, I went nuts.

"What the hell was she talking about? Actually! What the hell are you doin'?You dumbass!" I asked with an agitated curiosity growing inside me.

"You know how you said that Vince's family wouldn't have accepted you? and how if they knew everything would be ruined? Especially if Vince found out because you don't want him involved?"

"So?" I snapped with much agitation.

"I signed the birth certificates. I hyphenated our last names, and put my name down as their father. Now that I'm saying it, it sounds really stupid. And I should've asked you first..." He said with uncertainty in his voice and guilt on his face.

"Why? Why would you do that of all things??? We had a good friend thing going, and now we have to pretend that you're my baby daddy! That even worse than the real baby daddy because it's fucking weird!" I continued to yell hysterically at him for another 10 minutes straight. "So now what? Huh? Do we pretend to be engaged? Do we fake a wedding?"

He just stood there, unsure of what to say.

"Did you think this through at?"

"I was really tired... So I didn't really think that far ahead... But there is something we could try." He said as he smiled, again with uncertainty.

"And what exactly would that be?" I snapped.

"Hypothetically, you could come live with me. It would make you're story more believable, it would technically be good press for me and I'm good with kids, there's higher security, so you won't have to worry about your parents... as much as usual." He said in a completely serious tone, as if he was trying to sell me a product without letting me see it first.

"That's the dumbest thing I've eva' heard in my entire life..." I replied, still very annoyed, but then he started to annoy me with his begging. So I have up. Fine! We'll try it. But if I leave I leave with my children and custody of them. So don't get attached." I agreed to his proposal in a cold tone. If he knew I liked him then he'd use it against me.

"Really? I wasn't expecting that response so quickly. But I'll have Sierra help get your stuff moved over. If that's okay with you, of course."

"Whatever, as long as she doesn't break anything." I sighed. "When can I go home anyway?"

"They said you could leave in a few hours. Do you want me to ask if you can be released earlier?" He asked with authentic concern.

"Yeah, actually that would be great. Thanks Damian."

"Alright, I'll be back in a little while."

After he'd ran out of the room, I stood up and went over to the twins. Delia had fallen asleep, but Deidre was awake. She was silently exploring the room with her eyes when my phone rang, interrupting her focus. I quickly made my way over to my iPhone and answered it, hoping that Delia wouldn't wake up.

"Hello?" I said softly.

"Lucy?" I frowned and furrowed my brows when I heard the voice.


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