Chapter 28: Mom?

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"Mom?" I said in a very, very confused tone. "How did you get my number?"
"Your aunt gave it to me when you got your phone. I just wanted to check on you. I know, I should've earlier, but I didn't know if you'd wanna talk to me." Her Brooklyn accent was thick and quiet with guilt.

"Well why now then? Why would you ever think that I would want to talk to you, especially right now?" I yelled in rage, while also  trying to be as quiet as possible, as large tears began to form in the corners of my eyes. 

"I heard you were pregnant a while ago, and then I heard you were going to keep them." Harley sighed knowing it would take far more than a badly timed phone call to fix their relationship. "I know I'm your mother, not your mom. I've never really been your mom, but I really hope you know that I did what I did because I love you. Your father is going to be away soon for quite awhile, so I figured we could catch up. Maybe I could make up for all the pain I've caused in your life."

"I'm gonna have to take a rain-check on that one, but who knows maybe someday I'll change my mind. Goodbye, Harleen." Finally, with shaking hands, I hung up the phone and threw it at a chair across the room. Which caused Deidre to cry. So I picked her up and I sat on the ground with her, holding her tightly in my arms. My sobs and her cries filling the room. I rocked her for awhile, and she stopped screaming, but she was still in distress. So I just held her, for what seemed like forever, I just held her and cried.

Eventually Damian returned, and as soon as his eyes met mine, he rushed to my side and his hand was holding my face. He brushed my hair back with his fingers, and tried to assess the situation. He was trying to ask me something, over and over again, but I couldn't hear him over my heart pounding, my sobbing, it was as if my ears had popped and I was underwater all at once. Nothing was real. All I remember after that is Damian bringing Deidre back to her bassinet and then him coming back over to me and leading me to the hospital bed. He lied next to me and held me.

Once I'd calmed down we were able to finally leave, after a psych evaluation...

We went straight to Damian's house, my new house. The twins were quiet for the most part, I would know I watched them from the rear view mirror the entire way home, where Sierra met us at the entrance, she immediately ran up to the passenger side to hug me. Tightly I might add.

When she finally released me from her grasp, she decided to gloat about her success in decoration the twins nursery. "I can't wait for you to see it! It's so cute!" Then snaking her arm under mine, she added, "They are going to love it!" She was very cheerful about it too.

And she was right, it was absolutely perfect. The walls were violet, with little white clouds spread lightly all across the tops of the walls. There was a vintage rocking chair in the corner, closest to the two matching light beach-sand colored identical cradles. And next to that was a small waist high, blue, book shelf with little books filling the two shelves. The changing table was the same shade as the shelf, a light blue.

The perfect word to describe it besides, of course, perfect, was cute. Just like Sierra had said.

I'm in Ohio right now & struggling to write with all the chaos of traveling 😂 I barely managed to upload chapter 27, but here I am completing chapter 28! So at least things are going smoothly, even though I'm busy 🙃

Also I thought it would be fun if you guys would let me know if you want any other DC second generation characters to be added! Whether it be just that or you could even make a name for them! I don't know, but I like interacting with you guys! Especially when it comes to Lucys lovely life. Maybe another Crane could join the story? Non-cannon characters? Even aquaman Junior? We could call him Suds. I'd really like your input because I want to add new characters, I already have someone planned for Poison Ivy's line or... vine. But other than that I have nothing. Remember ANY input, is good input to me! 

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