Chapter 21: "Dinner Situation"

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After talking with Damian for almost  2 hours, we came back to my box filled apartment.

"You really don't need to make food for the both of us-" Before he could finish making an excuse, I cut him off.

"Damian, I insist! You did something nice for me and you're also my only friend in Gotham, even if I just met you today. So please just stay for dinner." I popped out my bottom lip slightly as I begged him to stay.

"I know what you're doing, I have three sisters, but alright I guess I'll stay since I think you're cool." He grinned at me before turning to see the only piece of furniture properly set up in my apartment, my bookshelf covered with family pictures, besides the kitchen and bedroom items.

As I began boiling the water for the pasta, I noticed what Damian was looking at. The only picture of my mother, from the day she had me. "She left twelve years ago, I haven't seen since."  I stood beside him with my arms crossed, just watching to picture from over his shoulder,  as if she would just get up and walk out the frame.

He took a deep breath before finally responding. "My mother was called Talia..... she's been gone for a long time now." Then he turned around so he was fully facing me. "I also have a step-mom though and she's always been there for me." He put the picture back where he left it and spoke again. "She also taught me how to cook, and from the looks of things you could use a break," He smiled kindly . "so you go sit down, and I'll handle the kitchen situation."

I wasn't expecting to have anything in common with Damian, but we were more alike than we thought.

Later that night

Turns out Damian could cook, including a three course meal that I couldn't make in a microwave form. Not that I could complain, I was starving considering I had actually forgotten to eat lunch before I'd left and it was now quite late. I'd also been pretty distracted, not by Damian's face! By the fact the I still hadn't been able to contact Sierra, and I left her voicemails in english and french. It was okay though, Damian even kinda reminded me of Sierra. In that cocky, smart-mouthed, charming way. 

"So you can cook, I'm surprised." I couldn't help but tease him a little and I was a little surprised. "Very funny, why did you assume I couldn't to cook?" He sounded more curious than offended. "Your watch and no offense but I kinda thought you were a little egocentric earlier."

"Weirdly enough, I get that a lot" He was funny and sarcastic. I liked that, I liked that a lot.

And he knew it.

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