Chapter 5: Down Down Down

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writers notes
This chapter is kinda where the fun begins. So without further explanation please enjoy the show. 😘
(Caution this chapter is long as hell, *if you're reading on a phone*)
Xoxo~ M.A.
I curled my body around my blue body pillow and held it tightly. My phone just kept ringing and ringing and ringing. So every time i heard it go off I buried my head into the covers. Then finally it stopped. The tension left my body as the silence entered my room. As I was about to fall back into my dreamland. *Ding-Dong*
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Forcing myself to wake up I felt for the end of my bed. Forgetting that I still had my sleep mask on I accidentally fall off and slam my shoulder on the floor. "Owww..." I groan and pull myself to my feet. Removing my bed mask I exit my room and go to the front door.

I pull open the blinds slightly and scrunch my eyes. As my eyes adjust to the light. I see a familiar face. "Sierra!!!!" I squeal with excitement and jump to my feet, all the while fumbling with the locked door. As it swings open Sierra gives me a little curled finger-wave before giving me a huge hug.
"Oh my god! I can't believe you're here right now!" Sierra giggles. "Vous avez l'air comme de la merde!" She said in french. "Did you seriously just tell me I look like shit..... in french...." I gave her a joking glare. "vous aimer...." She said innocently. "Yeah, love you too." I crossed my arms. "Now stop talking in french." She smirked and put her hands on her hips. "Lucy, ne soyez pas impoli."(Lucy, don't be rude.) I grinned and so did she. Then soon enough we were both giggling and eating ice cream.
Sierra sat cross legged on the living room floor, scooping each spoon full of ice cream carefully so she didn't drop any. I nudged her with my elbow. "J'ai presque oublié pourquoi diable êtes-vous de retour de Gotham de toute façon?" (I almost forgot, why the hell are you back from Gotham anyway?) "Oh you know just visiting." She had almost no reaction to my question, so I just stopped asking. "Comment sont vos parents?" I grinned. She pouted. "Hey, stop with the french. Thats my thing." She paused and then seemed to remember I had asked her a question. "Oh you know, mommy and daddy Wayne. Always happy, I think." And with that she continued scooping ice cream. I raised an eyebrow. "You and your parents have no relationship." She elbowed me. "Not true everyones just ....busy." She remarked defensively and pouted. "Hey, lighten up. I was just kidding." I rolled my eyes. " do that a lot." She mumbled under her breath. She seemed to shake off whatever she was feeling and smiled. "Hey, I have an idea."

(Late evening the next day)

"Ugh..." I groaned. My head hurt like hell. "What the fuck...." I opened my eyes slowly and held my head in my hands. Only then did I realize I was wearing a black cocktail dress. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion before looking at the floor. As I thought, a pair of red heels. My favourite pair to be exact. I glanced at the other side of my bed to see the one and only Sierra Wayne . She was curled up in a ball on my bed hugging a pillow. She had always slept funny, even when we were younger. Kinda like a cat. I crawled out of my bed quietly so she wouldn't wake up. "Hey where are you going?" Sierra mumbled groggily. "Just getting breakfast, you want some?"

(6 hours previous)

"Why the hell did I let you talk me into this?" I yelled over the blaring music. "Because you need to loosen up and have some fun!" Sierra grinned. She had already had 7 rounds of shots. To be honest it is NEVER a good idea to mix tequila and vodka together. Yet some how Sierra never seems to get completely wasted no matter how much she drinks. Me on the other hand......I'm a whole nother person.

As Sierra finished her ninth round she flung her arms in the air and yelled. "Hell Yeah!" I giggled at how drunk she was, of course being drunk myself it probably wasn't all that funny. Sierra hopped off the barstool and latched her hand around my arm. "Come on Lucy! I wanna dance!" Sierra twirled gracefully onto the dance floor even under the circumstances.

(That morning 10 A.M.)

"What exactly happened last night?" I asked Sierra as she poured herself a bowl of cheerios.
"Je n'ai aucune putain d'idée. Mais je me sens comme quelqu'un m'a frappé à la tête avec un marteau, puis m'a trempé dans la vodka ....." (English: I have no fucking idea. But I feel like someone hit me in the head with a hammer and then drenched me in vodka.....) Sierra answer in a hazy voice. "You might want to shower by the way." I frowned at the strong scent of vodka, the alcohol made my nose burn. I took notice in Sierra's dress it was a charcoal grey and had a yellow aztec design around the collar. On the sides of her dress there was a black lace cut out that formed into a triangle ending at her hips. It also had a rip around her upper arm as well as on her side. "How did that happen?" I questioned her as I pointed at her dress.

(5 hours previous)

Sierra and I swayed off of the dance floor, giggling wildly. "I feel amazing!" She grins. "At home my parent are way too uptight. I swear every time I try to sneak out I get caught." She pouted, but her fit of giggles ruined the effect.
As we took a break and talked in the corner booth, a man approached us. He had dark hair, but with the colorful lights flashing around its hard to tell. The closer he came the more I could see how tall he was, especially in the black suit he was wearing. He sat at the edge of our booth and looked at us quizzically. "Are you Lucy?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Had I met this man before? He seemed familiar. "Yeah......I'm Lucy." He nodded and then seemed to notice Sierra sitting next to me. "What a coincidence." He murmured. Then just like that he left.

(11:30 A.M.)

Sierra shrugs her shoulders. "I tripped on the landscaping." She was lying. Sierra was the most graceful person I'd ever met, she was always on her feet. I stayed quiet though. Sierra always kept her emotions in chains. So what would be the point?

(4 hours previous)

Sierra and I stumbled out the doors of the overly-crowded club. "Lucy?!?!?!" I heard a familiar voice and looked over my shoulder. "Vince?" His blonde hair which was usually messy, fell into a straight mass on the top of his head. He was wearing a black formal jacket with matching pants over top of a white button down shirt and his baby blue tie hung untied around his neck loosely. I smiled at him unknowingly as he approached us. "What are you doing out here?" He said. Although I'm pretty sure he already knew the answer. "Oh you know....Un peu de ceci et un peu de cela. J'ai vraiment envie de faire pipi et si je veux une pomme." (A little of this and a little of that. I really have to pee though and I want an apple.) I shrugged when I finished speaking and held onto Sierra's shoulder. He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "Come on, I'm driving you home." He grabbed my wrist tightly and led me to his car. "Wow, twice in one week?" I grinned drunkly. "I must be one special girl." He muttered something under his breathe and buckled me in. Sierra silently sat in the backseat.

Sierra's P.O.V.

I leaned against the window and watched the world flash by in bits and pieces. It made me smile. Good old classic New York. The city that never sleeps.

I gave my eyes a rest and glanced at the now unconscious Lucy Quinn. It was funny, she always looked the same except for the hair. She had a terrible habit of dying her hair, yet her hair never looked dead in any form. Also the same was that grin, the grin she had plastered on as she slept. Her creased lips some what resembled peacefulness while at the same time utter insanity.

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