Chapter Thirty Three- I'm Sorry

Start from the beginning

I stepped off the piano and brushed off the recent events. Who cares about her? No one.

I went back to my dressing room to put on the finishing touches. I put on my dresses and grabbed my iPhone for one last tweet to my followers.

'@TaylorSwift13- Heading to my seat for the PCAs, can't wait to apologize to him. You deserve it so much.'

I clicked 'Send' and gave my mom my phone. We walked out of the dressing room hoping for the best. I hope to NO end that I can fix things, and we'll be together. I don't know.. Maybe this is wishful thinking.

We walked down the isle to my marked seat. We realized we were sitting next to Ke$ha on one side, and Brad Paisley on the other.

I mean, I have nothing against Ke$ha, her music is alright. I just find it awkward when people say she looks like a drunk version of me..

The award show went by super slow because I was nervous for my performance. I saw Taylor, but I didn't talk to him. He was talking to Megan Fox.

I rolled my eyes, I don't get why every guy finds her so attract.

I heard over the intercomb that my performance would be coming up after the break. So I took a deep breath as I got up and my mom patted my back,

"You'll do great. This is whats best." She kissed my cheek.

I sighed and got up, making my way to the back of the stage. I saw my band mates all huddled up, so I went over and hugged them all.

"Hey guys I missed you so much! I hope you're doing good." I smiled

"Yeah, can't wait to perform again!" Liz said

"Same" They all said together.

This group of people, is probably the one thing that has felt like a team to me. I'm so lucky to have them all, and I know they'll always be here for me.

Lautner's P.O.V

I dreaded hearing Taylor's performance. I'm pretty sure she's just trying to kill me.

As I watched her perform, I realized something.. The song wasn't for John. I felt like, it was all pointing to me.. But I didn't know, till this line.

"I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right, I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't.. So if the chain is on your door, I understand." I stood up, like a fool. And my jaw dropped.

Then, the beat changed, into a completely different song. One that I did a school project for back in the day.

"Then he said, it's too late to apologize."

She took the words right from my mouth.

The performance was coming to an end, and her voice started to shake. I know that sound, she was about to cry. Then, the music quit, and I was still the only one standing. Out of everyone in the room.

"That song.." She could barely make out the words, "Was for someone, that was perfect to me in a relationship, and I was so careless with him.. I wanted to apologize to him, because I know that he's here in the room.."

The crowd started chanting "WHO WHO WHO".

I then saw her long arm point to me,

"His names Taylor."

I can't believe this. I don't even know what to think. What do I do? Do I accept? Do I deny it? Do I go up on stage? What.

"So. What do you think?" She said, looking at me with swollen eyes.

I ran, ran past the whole crowd staring at me, and I ran up the steps that led to the stage.

I approached her and I looked deep into her eyes.

"I'll always, always, always, love you, Taylor Alison Swift."

She smiled and laughed at the same time, and more tears burst out of her eyes.

I wiped the tears, then bent down and picked her up. Just like the good old days.

As I set her down, she smiled at me. I brushed back a piece of hair that was in her eyes,

"I love you so much." She said to me, staring into my eyes.

"I love you too Tay, and never EVER forget it." I smiled at her, and the crowd started chanting,"KISS KISS KISS."

So, I looked deep into her eyes and smirked, then leaned in, and I felt that amazing feeling I did just like the first time we kissed on set.

Sparks flew, and it felt so right, just holding her in my arms again. And this time, I won't let her go.

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