Chapter Eighteen- Public Love

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Lautner's P.O.V

I barely could make out what she was saying, but I feel like she said something about a soundboard? I don't know. I looked over and saw Andrea in this box thing so I started to make my way over.

I had to trudge through screaming girls, women, men, and every age in between to get there. She really attracts all ages! When I finally got there I knocked on the window, and she didn't notice me at first, then she did after a few seconds. She finally opened the door.

"Hey!" I said

"Hey Taylor how are you doing?"

"Great now that I'm here! This is nuts!"

"I know it!"

"How's your day been?"

"Taylor has been complaining non-stop, and she was talking about you in her dream last night." She chuckled

"Ha ha awe that's cute!"

"But, don't tell her I told you.."

"It's our little secret." I smiled and she smiled back.

We continued to watch the amazing performance my girl was giving and then it ended. I saw her looking in the sound booth and she signaled me to come up on stage so I did.

I ran up and picked her up spinning her around, she handed me the mic, and I felt like I swelled up and crawled in my shell. All her fans eyes were on me, and expecting me to say something cute, and adorable.

"Well Tay, you make me crazier, so I lift your feet off the ground and spin you around. I love you baby. You're mine. Forever and always." and I picked her up again and kissed her. I heard all the fans "awing" again just like earlier. Then I slowly let her down and kissed her again then hugged her. I wanted to keep her in my arms forever. "GIVE IT UP FOR TAYLOR SWIFT EVERYBODY!!" I said, then the curtains close. My gray t shirt was soaked for her performance.

"You did great baby," I smiled at her. "I missed you so much! I love you."

"Thank you so much for coming! You made me the happiest girl ever."

"You deserve everything." I kissed her forehead.

Swift's P.O.V

That was seriously the cutest, nicest, sweetest, most thoughtful thing any guy has ever done for me. We were now sitting back stage in the T-Party room before anyone got here. Just cuddling on the couch.

"I missed you." I said

"I missed you like crazy too. You have no idea." I nuzzled my head into his neck.

"Can you stay, baby?" I said

"God, I hope so," I smiled. "I can't take being away from you."

"Anything interesting happen?"

"Actually, Yeah, Sarah-"

Then all the kids who got chosen for T-Party came in. I stood up and went to go great them all.

"Hey guys thank you so much for coming to tonight's show!" They all screamed and giggled. I love the fans they're beyond adorable. One little girl jumped up in my arms and I hugged her so tight.

"Thanks for coming sweetie!"

She was only about five so she couldn't speak that well. Then I said out loud to everyone,

"And this is my boyfriend, Taylor," He looked over at me embarrassed, "Stand up cutie." and so he did, and he made his way over to me.

"Hey everyone." He said.

So then after we took pictures with everyone and signed things, it was finally time to go. When we walked out of the T-Party room I saw two totally unexpected people, Taylor's Mom, and his Ex girlfriend, glaring at me.

I looked over at Taylor and whispered in his ear, "What the hell? Did you invite them?"

He looked at me and shook his head. I have a gut feeling neither of these girls like me.

"Uh.. Hello Mrs. Lautner. I'm glad I could finally meet you!" I extended my hand so she could shake it and she completely ignored me.

Well this is going to be fun! I thought. I saw MY mom walking over too us, and she looked pissed. Oh, God. A Mom show down. This, should be interesting.

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