part 30

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"O-Okay." Avery stutters out in fear.

"Your friends aren't going to live much longer." The woman grins evilly.

"Please don't hurt them. It wasn't any of their idea's to come in here. Please." She pleads out desperately.

"I don't know," The woman laughs, "It's pretty tempting, I mean just look at Echo here, wouldn't it be funny if they all ended up like this?" She smiles and holds up Echo's lifeless body before dropping it onto the ground.

"Stop. i don't want to see her like that." Avery protests.

"I know. That's what makes it even better." She grins once again.

Vera is standing outside the door of the room they're in waiting for a good moment to barge in and help Avery, but she doesn't want to get either of them hurt. The woman turns her back to the door and slowly approaches Avery. Avery sees the door creak open slightly and her heart drops to her stomach at the thought of it being another demon that could kill her, but she was relived once she saw the familiar face happened to be Vera. Her face never changed moods whatsoever during that, the woman couldn't detect a change in mood because of her facial expressions at all.  

Vera walked into the room further and came up behind the woman. Vera raised her arm and tried to put the woman in a headlock but the woman's cold, skinny fingers grasped onto her forearm and flipped her over to the ground harshly. Vera laid there, in shock from what just happened and held her head where it was hit.

"You think I couldn't sense you there? Stupid kids." The woman scoffed while she rubbed her hands together as if she just accomplished something she had been working on.

Avery stood there hesitantly. She was unsure about whether she should go and help Vera up or if she should just stay where she is so she doesn't risk getting either of them in more trouble. Her thoughts were quickly answered as she saw Vera quickly grab for the woman's ankle and pull on her and try to bring her down. The woman fell straight to the ground and Vera sat up on top of her and delivered multiple punches to her face. Avery screamed in fear of Vera getting hurt but Vera yelled for Avery to go get everyone. Avery nodded her head quickly with her brown eyes wide open and ran out of the room and down the hallway to find the rest of her friends.

Her feet leave loud clap-like sounds every time her feet come in contact with the hard flooring, which is often with how fast she's running. She nearly can't stop herself when she approaches the door because of her speed, but she stops just in time and eagerly shoves the door to the control room open. She rushes to the next door and flings it open, revealing all of her friends.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy to see all of you." She smiles widely with tears running down her face and she runs into Ashton's arms and he holds her so tightly and close that his arms nearly turn white because of how hard he's squeezing.

"I'm so happy you're safe." He mumbles to her before pulling away because Calum is coming over.

Calum grabs her in for a hug and tells her the same that Ashton did, that he's happy she's safe.

Everyone else in the room huddles for one big hug before Avery starts to talk.

"Yes, im safe. But i don't know how safe Vera is, she was fighting with the Queen of Hell or something, i don't know, it doesn't make a lot of sense but we have to help her!" She panics while looking mainly at Piper and Emily since they were Vera's original friends.

"Oh my god." Piper muttered under her breath at the thought of her best friend being hurt or killed.

Meanwhile, just a bit down the hallway, the queen now is on top of Vera, returning the multiple punches to her. Vera's face is cut open and bruised in many places. Her eye is swollen and is black and blue and she has little-to-no energy left in her small body.

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