part 8

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"Angel! No!" Kylie screams and cries as she bangs on the door of the vent for the next 45 seconds.

Everyone is crying at this point. Echo is sobbing into Ashton while he cries too. Calum and Luke are standing, crying and watching Kylie have a mental break down after she watched her best friend die. Michael is leaning up against the wall next to the table that hovers over the vent, holding his wound and letting out an occasional sob. Avery is sitting on the opposite side of the room in the corner, crying silently into her knees.

The room is pitch black, along with the rest of the house. You can see what's about a foot or two in front of you, but beyond that, it's pure darkness.

"God damn it." Calum shouts and punches the table Kylie is under, "What are we going to do?"

"There isn't much we can do." Luke replied to him in a disappointed tone.

"Sitting here is not helping. We are fucking helpless sitting here." He said back angrily.

"You saw what happened when Angel tried to get out. It's like someone is watching us, controlling the house. They don't want us to leave." Ashton butted in, unwrapping his arms from Echo.

"Who cares? Let's go. The girls can stay here, or we can all split up again or something." Michael said. That's the first time he's spoke in awhile.

Kylie crawled out from under the table, "I'm not staying here. I want those bastards who killed my best friend, dead. They need to suffer." She walked over and sat down next to Michael and leaned into him.

"Okay, we'll split up and try to find an exit. When someone finds one, take my car. The keys are sitting in it, and go get help as fast as you can. Call 911 if your phone isn't dead at that point." Ashton announced.

"Whose going with who?" Michael asked, "I call Kylie." He said and looked to his left at the girl he could barely even see and smiled.

"I call Avery." Luke and Calum both said at the exact same time.

"Where is Avery?" Calum asked, looking around and moving his arms out in front him, feeling for Avery.

"I'm here" She managed to get out between deep breaths from her cries as she stood up from her spot and walked very slowly over to where the voices of the others was coming from.

"Thank god" Luke breathed out in relief.

"I'll go with Luke." She announced to everyone, resulting in a scoff from Calum.

"Cal, come with us." Echo suggested.

"Luke and Avery, you check around the very top floor for a window that is breakable or something. Michael and Kylie, you check the 2nd floor, and Echo, Calum, and I will search the main floor. Got it? In 30 minutes, we meet back here, unless you were able to get out." Ashton explained to everyone.

They were all terrified. They wanted nothing more than to go home. They all made their way up the old steps that creaked every time their foot stepped in a new place.

Michael turned the doorknob of the basement door with his left hand while holding Kylie's hand with his right. The 7 of them exited the stairway and made their way into the kitchen.

"See you guys later." Echo whispered to the rest of the kids in a sad tone. None of them thought they were even going to see each other again, but nobody wanted to say what each of them were thinking out loud. Once they said it out loud, it's like it was real. They still had too much faith for it to be real, so everyone remained silent, nodded their heads, and began to split up.

"Ashton," Avery said in a loud whisper and turned her head back to where her friends had began to walk off, "I love you."

"I love you too, Ave," Ashton said with a slight smile, returning to the spot they had just left and wrapping his arms around his younger sister as she cried. He gave her one last squeeze and then released her, "You've got this. Be strong."

They separated and Calum grabbed Avery's hand and gave a squeeze and smiled, then let go and they all split up.


Luke and Avery made their way up the stairs to the second level behind Michael and Kylie. They smiled at the other two kids, then headed slowly and quietly to the stairs that led to their designated area, running their fingers along the wall since no one can really see where they're going.

They reached the stairs and Luke tripped up them a tad because he didn't know they'd be so close, which caused Avery to chuckle a bit.

"Shut up," Luke laughed and picked himself up, "stay close."

Avery follows directly behind Luke up the stairs and they enter the first room on the left of the long, narrow hallway.


"You have to try harder!" Echo shouts at Calum as he tries to pry the bars off of a window in the living room with his two hands.

"I'm trying as hard as I can, it would help if you and Ash would maybe help a little instead of standing there hugging and critiquing everything I do!" Calum says, releasing the bars he managed to bend a little bit and sighing in relief.

Echo wrapped her arms around Ashton's neck and planted a kiss on his lips.

"I love you" she told him and then let go.

"I love you more." He replied and smiled.

Calum made a gagging noise as a joke at the cheesiness of the two of them as Echo approached the bars and began to try to help Calum pry them apart.

There were only a few areas of the house with a little bit of moonlight shining in and thankfully this area was one of them so they could see how much the bars were bending, which was not a lot, and they could see a bit of everything around them.

Ashton sat down on the couch while Echo and Calum's backs were turned. He felt a cool breeze on the back of his neck, he turned, and before he knew it there was a loud gunshot noise.

Calum and Echo both turned their heads immediately and saw blood gushing from Ashton's head. Calum pulled him off the couch and laid him down on the floor.

"No!" Echo let out and began crying hysterically and having an intense panic attack. She clenched his shirt into her fists and screamed out "no" a million times. Everyone in the house could hear her screams, but no one dared to go see what caused them. Everyone continued what they were doing and tried their hardest to sound them out, which with how filled their thoughts were, wasn't too hard.

After ten minutes of Echo bawling into her dead boyfriend's chest she just laid their with her head on him, hunched over. Calum had been bawling too, but more silently, and he didn't touch Ashton because he wanted to just let Echo be with him.

"Echo?" Calum whispered after a few more minutes had gone by. He shook her body a little and she bolted up. She had been asleep but was now was woken up.

"Thank god, I just had the worst nightmare Ashton," she paused for a few seconds, "Ashton?", the realization that what has happened today wasn't just a nightmare, but was reality, sunk in, "Ashton?! No! It was a dream! God fucking damn it no!" She let out, repeating what she had done before she fell asleep, only this time would tell him she loved him every few seconds.

Calum just sat there silently, replaying all of his memories with his friend, and the other guys too. He realized that all of his other friends could be in the same state that Ashton was in right now; dead. Rage began to grow inside him after thinking about his friends being dead and that someone is doing this to them all.

"Echo. Sitting here crying over him isn't going to bring him back, and if we don't want to end up like him, then we have to fucking get out, I don't know about you, but I'm not sticking around. Let's go." Calum said raising his voice with a lot of anger in it.

"Okay," she paused and swallowed, then nodded, "Let's go." She continued, nodding her head and wiping her tears and makeup that had been dripping down her face.

Calum pulled her in for a hug and ran his fingers through her hair as he assured her they were going to get out.

Just as they began to exit the living room, they heard a loud scream, just like the ones Echo was letting out minutes prior.

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