part 28

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((this is like the first part in forever that won't be taking place in the house or including any of the boys or anything so here we go!!!))


(This part is written after they have all been missing for around 7 hours and it's about midnight and none of them are home yet from school.)


Annemarie (Ms.Irwin) slams her cell phone against the granite countertop as she called Avery's phone for the 9th time in the last hour and received no answer.

"Where could they be?" She mumbles to herself under her breath as her youngest son, Harry, strolls in the kitchen.

"Where could who be, mom?" He asks innocently.

"Your siblings." She shakes her heads and rubs his temples slowly, looking extremely stressed.

She picks up the phone again and calls nearly everyone that they're with. She calls Echo, Calum, Luke, Michael, and Kylie's phones but no answer, which wasn't surprising. She went into her bedroom to put on pajamas since she has spent so much time worrying that she didn't even realize it was already midnight. She walked out into the living room afterward and laid down on the couch but the second she got comfortable the house phone rang. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of it being one of the kids and she jumped up off the couch and quickly ran to the phone.

"Hello?" She answered, hoping to hear one of their voices in response.

"Annemarie? Yes, hello, this is Joy, Calum's mom, have you heard from him? He told me he was hanging out with Ash and Avery and it's past his curfew and I'm beginning to worry." Calum's mom explained with a concerned tone.

"I'm sorry, I haven't heard anything from them, but believe me, I've called all of them more times than I can count. I'm so worried." Ms.Irwin sighed in response, "Do you want to come over here and we can call the other parents and talk about it, maybe?"

"Of course. I'll be right over with David, Calum's dad. We'll call Michael's parents, and you call Luke's dad? Sound good?" Joy asked.

"Sounds good. See you soon." She said and then hung the phone up back on its little stand before picking it back up again to call Andrew, Luke's dad.

She dialed in the number and pressed it to her ear anxiously.

"Mr.Hemmings? This is Ms.Irwin, have you heard from any of the kids?" She asked.

"No, I haven't. I was just about to call the Clifford's." He sighed.

"I'm inviting everyone over, would you mind coming over and we can discuss this? We're all worrying so much." She explained.

"I'll be right over." He breathed out.

Ms.Irwin realized she should also call the parents of Echo, Kylie, and Angel since they were all with as well. She raised the phone to her ear once again and called Echo's parents, Bryana and Carter, even though she no longer lives with them, she thought that they should know what's going on. She then called Kylie's parents, Crystal and Ethan, and then Angel's parents, Kian and Sianna. They all agreed to rush over and get there as soon as they could.

Annemarie walked over to Harry and picked him up and carried him to his bedroom that is shared with his younger sister, Lacey. She placed him in his small twin sized bed that was beside Lacey's, where she was sound asleep. She pulled the blankets up, kissed his forehead, and said her goodnight.

She walked back into the kitchen and got out a few wine glasses and brought them to the dining room table. They made a clinking noise as she sat them down, but then pulled the cork out of the wine bottle and poured a glass for herself.

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