part 6

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Luke felt vibrations going through his body due to an incoming call on his phone. He tried his hardest to reach his jean's back pocket for it but because of the small amount of space he and Avery had to move, he couldn't get to it successfully or on time.

"God damn it." Luke whispered angrily.

"We're never going to get out of here. Why can you not call anyone but they can call us?" Avery asked Luke frustrated. She didn't want an answer because she knew that Luke didn't have one.

"I don't know, Avery, but we are going to get out of here." Luke assured her.

Avery looked down at her knees that were cramped up against her chest and sighed. "How much longer until we can leave this cabinet?" She asked. They were both filled with questions. Questions like will they make it out? Are their friends searching for them still? What was that thing they saw out there? What did it want?

"I.. I don't know," Luke paused and readjusted the best he could so he could rub his blue eyes with his sweaty hands, "Stop with the questions, Avery, seriously. You know just as much as I do." Luke whispered harshly in an aggravated tone.

"You don't need to be rude. I'm just as afraid as you are." She hissed back at him.

"I know. I'm sorry." He said and let out a deep breath quietly so they wouldn't be found by the thing they saw. Luke tried to lift his butt up off the bottom of the small cabinet they were in under the kitchen sink so that he could attempt to reach his phone that he was sitting on, but he couldn't. His knees would then hit the top, which allowed him to not go any further.

"Do you have your phone?" Luke asked with his eyes lighting up when he realized he's not the only one with a phone.

"Yes, Luke, but mine is also in my back pocket. We can't call anyone anyways, remember? We tried when we first saw it." She answered, crushing his last hope of communicating with anyone.

Neither of them still knew what they saw. They just knew it was a dark figure. They didn't know if it was a person or what it was, but they knew they didn't like it and it didn't like them being in it's house either.

They heard a thud from the front of the house and Avery gasped but Luke reached forward and took his soft, clammy hands and put them over her mouth to keep her quiet. He widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows at her, trying to tell her to keep quiet. He took his hand away and she nodded her head as a response.

Luke used his pointer finger to begin to press open the cabinet door and slightly lean out to look at what the noise had been. He couldn't see anything but he then heard something.

"They can't possibly be in here. They aren't that stupid." He heard what sounded like Michael's voice, say from somewhere.

Luke pushed the cabinet door open all the way and grabbed Avery's forearm to signal her to remove herself from the small, wooden, enclosed area. They crawled out and remained quiet. The two walked toward the dining room of the scary house. They made their way past the living room with red carpet and to the entry way where they found their friends.

Calum turned his head and was startled, yet relieved and upset at the same time when he discovered his friends. "You guys! Are you fucking stupid? Why would you come in here?" Calum yelled, obviously mad. His loud voice caused Avery to widen her eyes and get the chills.
She quickly ran up to Calum and put her hand over his mouth, scratching his cheek slightly with her recently done nails.

"We need to get out.. Now. Don't talk." Avery whispered to everyone, in a tone that sent chills down everyone's backs.

Echo was silent, but she turned around and reached for the doorknob before Luke or Avery could say anything to protest. When her small hands touched the cold surface, she squealed and jumped back. She looked at Ashton with tears brimming her eyes. She grabbed the hand she just used to touch the doorknob with, held it to her chest with her other hand, and blinked as the tears fell.

Ashton put both of his hands on his girlfriend's shoulders and looked into her eyes, "what happened?" he asked frantically, shaking her a little.

"Just open the door." Michael whispered angrily, reaching for the door knob, which resulted in the same outcome that Echo had, but without the tears.

"Fuck, shit, oh my god." Michael whispered, pissed, and letting out multiple profanities. "It's electric. There is no way we're using that door."

"I was going to tell you guys a millisecond before Echo's hand reached the knob.. If it had been that easy to escape, we would have been gone awhile ago." Avery rolled her eyes and whispered so quiet almost no one could hear her.

"Why are we whispering anyways?" Angel asked, looking behind both of her shoulders one after the other and then back at us as we crowd around the front door, "It's not like anyone can hear us."

"Ave and I saw something. We don't know what or who, but it was a black shadow type thing. We came in here to hide," Luke explained while Calum scoffed and rolled his eyes, thinking about how stupid they were that they thought it was a good idea to hide in here. Luke ignored it and continued.

"We just walked around and observed the first level, then we went and got behind the couch in the living room over there," Luke pointed to the floral patterned couch, "As soon as we got back there, maybe ten seconds later, the couch flung across the room by itself. We looked at each other, completely astonished by what had just happened. I grabbed Avery's wrist and stood up and in the doorway was the black figure, we ran through the doorway that leads to the hallway between the living room and kitchen. Drawers flung open and everything, it was terrifying. I opened the cabinet that was beneath the sink and told Avery to climb in and so she did. I went to go try the door, and clearly had the same result as you two. I returned to Avery nervously and got in the cupboard. We sat in there not making any noise besides the quiet sound of her sobbing." Luke whispered, still frightened about the black shadow that could reappear.

"Why don't we just call someone?" Calum asked.

"You think we haven't tried that? Do you think we're that fucking stupid?" Avery snapped at Cal, fed up with the whole situation. She just wanted out. They all did.

"I'm sorry." He said, looking everywhere but at her. He looked more at the ground, she had never snapped at him. She noticed how sad that made him look and she began to feel guilty. "No, Cal, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"it's fine, really. I understand you're just tired and scared."

Avery still felt bad though. She raised her arms to hug Calum and he placed his arms around her torso to hug her back which she rested her head in the crook of his neck. He sighed and felt his knees get weak. He really was in love with her.

"Standing here hugging isn't going to get us out. We have to try another door." Ashton suggested.

Angel lead everyone to the right, through the doorway the shadow once stood in, toward the living room that had the couch flung across it, and to the left, down the hallway Luke and Avery previously ran through to get to the kitchen.

"There's a door in the dining room to the left of the kitchen there. It must lead to the back porch." Kylie pointed.

The 8 of them made their way through the old kitchen and past the spiral stairs to get to the dining room door.

"There has to be something wrong with it." Echo chirped.

"I'm not going to be the one to find out." Michael informed everyone, throwing his hands in the air.

"I will." Kylie pushed Michael to the side and glared at him. She put her cold hands on the even colder knob and nothing happened, until the dark figure appeared right next to her and smacked her hand off the knob and screamed at the 8 of them. They all ran, in different directions too.

Kylie ran back through the kitchen with Michael following inches behind her. Ashton had grabbed Echo's hand and went in through a door that was under the stairs, which must've lead to the basement. Angel ran up the spiralling staircase alone and down the hallway to the left and closed herself into a bedroom with a wooden door and not much in it. Calum had grabbed Avery and pushed her slightly and pointed his finger in the direction of the stairs, telling her which way to go and he followed. They went to the right once they reached the top and went up the next set of stairs at the right end of the hallway. Luke was also alone, like Angel, he went to the right, through a doorway in the dining room which lead to a library type room that he slammed the door of.

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