part 25

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Michael and Vera got back into the long tunnel like hallway and ran for the room they were in not too long before. They were eager to try out the password that they were hoping worked so they could finally exit that horrific building. Michael twisted the doorknob to the control room and then entered the private room that was connected to the control room.

"Did you find her? Is she behind you?" Ashton jumped up the second the doorknob to the room twisted.

"No, we didn't." Vera broke the bad news to him.

"Ashton, uh," Michael started, but couldn't bring himself to tell him.

"What? What is it? Is she okay?" Ashton asked with such a worried expression on his face. Just looking at him made everyone in that room want to burst into tears.

"She's gone, buddy. I'm sorry." Michael told him, unable to look at him and already forming tears in his eyes just thinking about what Ashton was feeling at that moment.

"No she's not, you're lying, she's too strong to be gone. She made it this long, there is no way she's really over, I swear to god if you guys are just pulling a prank on me, Michael I will fuck you up." Ashton clenched his fist and teeth as he pointed a finger at Michael.

"It's not, Ashton. We wish we could tell you that it is, but it's not. I'm sorry." Vera said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Stop. Don't touch me," He shoved her hand off of himself, "What do you mean gone? Did you see her?"

Vera pulled her hand back down to her side, feeling sorry for Ashton and what he was going through with this.

"Yes, Ash. I'm sorry." Michael said, not wanting to reveal any details on how they saw her because he thought they were too gruesome for his friend to hear.

"Well?" Ashton paused for a few seconds, "How did you see her?" Ashton asked with a smart ass tone.

"You don't need to hear it, you don't want to. Trust me, I'm sorry."

"Just tell him, or us, explain." Calum spoke up.

"You guys all really want to hear it? Fine. She was hung. We walked into the living room and she was hanging from the ceiling. I'm sorry." Michael said, tears dripping down his soft, pale face.

"No," Ashton protested, "No, no, no, no" He repeated, more to himself than to everyone.

"Really?" Avery asked, her voice and heart both breaking, "Oh my god."

"Ashton, I'm sorry." Piper tried to talk to him.

"I'm sorry, boy." Mr.Matts placed his hand on Ashton's shoulder but Ashton didn't react or do anything.

Ashton didn't talk. He didn't say a word. He sat down on the floor and cried. He wasn't bawling or doing an ugly cry or anything, but it was the kind of cry where he couldn't stop. He wasn't heavily breathing or sobbing hysterically, but the tears poured out of his eyes, flooding each and every pore that covered his face completely. The half of his heart that Echo had left him with, was absolutely shattered and no one knows if it'll ever be repaired.

He sat and thought about how he was going to carry on the rest of his days without someone that he hadn't gone a single one without before. He remembered all of the happy times they shared and the times he'd wake up next to her in the morning and get to roll over and hold his entire world in his arms. He remembered the fights they would occasionally have, but the cute make-up talks after them made it all worth it. He wasn't going to get to roll over and see his everything in the morning anymore. He wouldn't wake up with a "good morning, how did you sleep? :)" text anymore. He doesn't get to see his favorite smile ever again. The worst part of all of this, is he couldn't help but blame himself for this. He was the one who faked his death. Echo would have never left knowing he was alive, that's all he thought about. He is blaming himself for his girlfriend's murder. He's completely crushed and doesn't even feel like there is a purpose in living or breathing any longer.

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