part 15

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The loud noises that Calum had been hearing weren't anyone being in pain physically. Michael was having a breakdown directly two stories above where Calum, Echo, and the other girls they had just met, were sleeping.

Michael was screaming, crying, punching walls, and throwing whatever he could find and he was a complete mess. Luke and Avery huddled in the corner with Luke attempting to protect Avery from the objects Michael had been chucking everywhere out of frustration, sadness, and anger.

"Kill me if you're going to do it!" Michael screamed and taunted the sick minded freaks that have been keeping us in this house.

"Is he almost done, Luke?" Avery hesitantly asks the boy holding her.

"I, I don't know. I hope so." Luke chokes out with a voice crack.

Michael flipped over a bed that was in the room which caused a loud banging noise which has awoken Calum again downstairs, scaring him even more.

"Stay here." Luke told Avery and he crouched next to her and signalled with his hands for her to stay.

She simply nodded and Luke stood up and slowly approached his friend in need in the darkness. Michael stopped moving and Luke took the opportunity to tackle him to the ground, flip him on his back, straddle him, and pin down his wrists by the top of his head.

"Michael, Michael! Listen to me." Luke said while using all his might to hold down Michael as he tries to push Luke off as hard as he can while he's kicking and screaming.

Michael began to lose his anger and turn it all into sadness and breakdown into tons of tears. He laid their underneath Luke and cried. He stopped trying to remove Luke from him and Luke sighed in relief.

"What are we going to do?" Michael screamed out. All he's been thinking about that has gotten him to reach this point has been about his family worrying, Kylie, Ashton, and Angel being dead, how they could just starve to death, and so much more. He couldn't take holding it in any longer and so he released it, which if they don't get out soon, they all probably will.

Avery came out from the corner and kneeled next to Michael which was what Luke was now doing.

"Michael, we're going to be okay. Please stop worrying, seeing you scared only makes me more scared because you're never scared. You're one of the strongest people I know and seeing one of the strongest people I know like this, terrifies me. Please be strong." Avery told him, shifting to sit on her butt so she could run her fingers through Michael's dyed hair.

"I know," Michael said, with his voice breaking, "I just don't know how much more I can take. I can't fathom how we even ended up in this situation, none of us were truly terrible people to deserve this and I just don't get." Michael said, finally cooling down a bit. He'd have a year run down his face every few seconds, but his heart rate has gone down and he isn't breathing so heavily now.

Avery laid her head on her best friend's stomach while he cried silently in the comfort of his two friends. He was the toughest, emotionally, out of all of their friends and it scared the shit out of Luke and Avery to see someone so tough and strong break down because they were afraid.

Luke sat beside Michael, leaning up against the flipped over bed and thought about his feelings for Avery. He imagined being with her for the longest time but has kept quiet because Calum expressed his feelings to their friends first. He wondered what it'd be like to go on dates with her, go on trips, move in together, wake up next to her, but he realized that he might not even wake up to anyone, or wake up at all again, besides in this house.

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