part 3

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She wakes up at 8 A.M, and turns over to find out if Luke is still there, which he wasn't, and she was oddly disappointed about it.

She unplugs her charger from her phone and scrolls through her notifications that are on her lock-screen. There's a message from Calum saying "good morning", which is typical, a message from Luke thanking her for last night, a few others from her other friends, and some from random fans of Ashton's that somehow get her number. She squints her eyes at the bright screen and responds to Calum and says good morning in return, and tells Luke it's no problem and that he should feel free to stay anytime.

She pushed the blankets off of herself, thinking about how it was kind of odd that she didn't have a text from Michael. He usually texts her in the morning because they've been really close friends for as long as she can remember, they've always been the closest out of the entire band.

Her feet reach the cold hardwood floor and she walks over to her vanity. She brushes her hair and applies mascara and perfect winged eyeliner. She slips on black leggings with an All Time Low t-shirt and black converse. She opens up her bedroom door and heads across the hallway to the bathroom, which had the door locked. She banged on the door and yelled at who she assumed was Ashton for taking too long.

The gold colored doorknob twisted and out came Michael though.

"Oh, I thought you were Ashton." She said, with an apologetic tone.

"Well I'm not." Michael snapped at her.

"Why are you being like that? What's your problem?" She said, losing the kind tone she previously used, and changed to a tone to match Michael's.

"I don't really have a problem. It's going to be your problem, and Ashton's problem, and probably a few other people's problem, but not mine." He said, tilting his head a bit and smiling sarcastically.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how I saw Luke sneaking out of your window at 7 this morning when I was on my way into your house."

"Oh," She paused and swallowed," Michael, that's definitely not what it looks like. He was kicked ou-"

She was cut off by Michael.

"I don't care what the reason is," Michael chuckled, amused by the fact that she thinks there can be a reasonable explanation for this, "You had your brothers best friend over secretively. Luke came over to your house knowing Calum's feelings toward you too. Even if Luke was kicked out, he'd come to one of us guys before he'd come to you, so I don't know if you guys expect us to believe that for one seco-"

Ashton walked down the hallway looking confused as to what they were discussing and Michael stopped talking. She glared at Michael indicating for him not to tell Ashton when Ashton asked what they were talking about, which he obeyed, and she was thankful for that.

The two of them headed to the living room and Avery walked into the bathroom since that's where she was originally headed and turned on the water to the sink to wet her blue toothbrush. Her phone was laying on the granite countertop and then it vibrated, lighting up to display a message from Michael saying, "I won't tell them now, but I will later if you don't."

She's pretty angry at Michael for being this way because it's not his business, but she understands a little since it's his friends it has to do with, so she just sends back a thumbs up emoji.

She walks out into the kitchen and pours herself a bowl of cereal, and as she went to get some milk to put in the cereal bowl, she realized they still had none. She throws the cereal away into the garbage can and grabs her maroon backpack and shouts for Ashton, asking if he's ready.

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