part 4

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Calum and Avery walked back to the car to find everyone else already in their seats, besides Echo, she was waiting outside the car leaning her butt against it, because she had been sitting on Calum's lap.

Calum walked up to Ashton's old gold colored car and told Luke to scoot into the middle seat and told Echo to sit on Luke's lap but Luke refused. He got out of the car and waited patiently for Calum to get back into the middle.

Calum refused and so the two argued about it until Ashton yelled because it was taking too long.

Ashton turned his torso to the back of the car so he could look at the problem, "Would you guys just get in? Why does it matter so much?" He shouted, aggravated and oblivious to the fact that Calum liked Avery and was jealous, "Also, I don't know what happened with Avery and Luke last night but it doesn't matter right now and we can talk about it later. This is the worst time to be mad at each other, we're going to a haunted house for Christ's sake, get along."

Calum reluctantly got into the middle after Ashton's mini lecture, followed by Echo sitting on his lap.

I sat on Luke's lap like before, and he put his arms around my waist and folded his hands together. Calum glared with his big brown eyes at Luke's hands.

"Sooo. Who's excited?" Kylie said eagerly trying to break the obvious tension in the small vehicle.

"Not me." Ashton says.

"Me." Michael, Angel, and Echo said smiling happily.

"I kind of am but I'm a little scared." Avery said quietly.

"You can hangout with me." Luke looked at her and smiled a big smile.

Calum let out a deep breath and rolled his eyes, "you're too weak, Luke. If anything happened, she'd be the one comforting you."

Luke ignored Calum's rude comment and didn't say anything back, he just rolled his eyes and pulled Avery in closer to piss Calum off.

They turned a corner and the street they turned onto had a lot of potholes in the road. At the end of this road was the house. They were all getting really nervous just looking at it. It's creepy as shit. It's brown and made out of wood but the boards are worn down and broken. The house is surrounded by a black metal fence, like the fancy ones you'll see in movies, and the grass is all dead and brown. They pulled up slowly in front of the house along the curb and everyone got out.

As they slowly approached the house, Ashton was holding Echo's hand, Angel and Kylie were close to Michael and Calum's sides and Avery by Luke.

Echo released Ashton's hand and she ran up to the black fence and it creaked as she pushed it open. She began running around the side of the house to the huge backyard. The only things in the back were an emptied pool, a shed, and a few trees close to the house. Towards the back of the large yard was a forest. There was a fence between the yard and the forest but a lot of the trees from the forest were in the yard by the back and it was oddly creepy looking.

Once everyone got in the back, they all just looked around the outside of the house cautiously and observed all of it's scary features.

"Let's play hide and seek!" Echo brought up, grabbing both of Ashton's hands, swinging their hands back and forth, and smiling at him, showing her perfect white teeth.

"Let's not!" Ashton said back in an enthusiastic yet sarcastic voice, smiling at her while he gazed into her blue eyes. He was so in love with her and you could see it every time he looked at her.

"Let's do it." Calum and Michael agreed.

"Not it!" Angel said indicating that she was in. Avery said "not it" after Angel, then followed Kylie, Echo, Luke, Michael, Ashton, and then Calum, since he had stopped paying attention and got distracted by some words carved into the house that didn't make sense.

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