part 9

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Kylie and Michael had entered a room on their designated floor in hopes of finding a way out. They had stood around tracing the walls with their fingers in the darkness, searching for a window or another door of some sort. Kylie ran her fingers along one of the walls when her fingers traced over something that was definitely not the wall. The thing covered her mouth with her hand as she stood with her back against whatever was holding her there. She had tears streaming down her face and her heart was beating faster than ever.

"You're not getting out." The man whispered ever so quietly into Kylie's ear and then chuckled as he placed the tip of his sharp knife against her stomach. Very slowly he applied more and more pressure to the weapon which made Kylie wince and cry harder.

Michael was on the other side of the room, still searching for an exit.

The thing, which Kylie assumed was a man, counted to three quietly in her ear and then plunged the knife right into her stomach. Kylie dropped to the ground with the knife still in her body and finally began to let out her screams and gasped loudly as the man had disappeared.

Kylie's screams were heard through the entire house as were the ones Echo had let out prior to this.

"Kylie?!" Michael yelled, waiting for a response so he could come help her.

She screamed and cried out some more and Michael was able to reach to where she was in the room, stumbling over a few things before reaching there.

"What happened? are you okay?" Michael panicked.

"There was a man! He was in here!" She stopped talking to take a breath, "he stabbed me! Here in the stomach, Michael, it hurts so bad."

Kylie leaned over and sobbed into Michael's side as he ran his fingers through her hair and cried with her.

"We have to get the knife out of you and stop the bleeding." Michael insisted.

He laid Kylie out on the ground and ran his fingers around her stomach, searching for the knife. Once he found it, he placed his right hand around the knife and told Kylie it was going to hurt, but she was going to be okay.

"1.. 2.." Michael and Kylie both took a deep breath, "3."

The two of them closed their eyes and Kylie winced at the sharp metal being pulled out of her stomach.

The blood was everywhere. Literally everywhere. Michael took off Kylie's t-shirt and soaked up and wiped off the blood covering the two of them. He then took off he flannel he was wearing over his t-shirt and tied it around Kylie's body in hopes of stopping the bleeding.

Kylie began to close her eyes and fall asleep but Michael woke her up.



"I, uh, I love you." He let out.

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"I mean, I love you. A lot. I've noticed it over the last 2 or 3 months that I really truly have feelings for you and I am completely in love with you. I know this is not a good time or place to say it but I had to in case we don't make it out. I couldn't die with you not knowing how I-"

Michael was cut off by Kylie pressing her lips to his. She straddled Michael's waist and shut her eyes tightly at the pain that moving so quickly had caused her.

Michael moved his hands up and down her back and onto her butt. Kylie combed her fingers through his wonderfully dyed hair and began to run her fingers down to the bottom of his shirt. She raised his shirt up over his head. Michael stood up, still holding Kylie and struggled to make his way to a bed that he had ran into earlier.

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