The Girl Problem

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The couple we all call our OTP was now rushing through the town marveling at all the stands, each one with a unique activity or foreign item to sell.

"Luffy-ya do you think the rest of the crew will be okay in this big town?"

Law was currently being dragged down the cobblestone path by his boyfriend who looked like he chugged down five cups of coffee (just imagine Luffy on caffeine and you know it's bad).

"Hmm? What do you mean? They're gonna be fine!"

Luffy's eyes sparkled when something caught his sight of vision, "SUGEEE!!! TORAO LOOK! THAT'S WHERE WE GET OUR COOL CLOTHES!!"

Law paused and turned his head with Luffy to face a small wooden shop with a big sign that said, 'Festival clothing' in bold, painted green letters.

The surgeon looked down and smirked at the cute expression on his captain's face, "Wanna go put some on?" Luffy vigorously nodded his head and stampeded towards the little building.

At the front was a smiling woman in a snow white kimono with long brown hair in a traditional rolled bun, "Welcome~ do you need some clothes for the festival visitor?~"

When Law stepped into the room he noticed how the girl's eyes lingered on Luffy's frame and immediately scowled in jealousy.

As an idea popped into his head his frown was replaced with a mischievous smirk and strolled right behind Luffy wrapping his arms around the teen's waist, now wiping it off with an 'innocent' smile to seem totally ignorant.

"Yes me and my beloved here would like your most vibrant ones please~"

He noticed how the girl's smile twitched into a frown at the words, 'my beloved' and smirked evily on the inside at her inner suffering.

'Yeah, he's MINE bitch!' He thought as she walked into the back for a moment, after a few seconds she came back with two plastic bags.

"Here are two I think you'll find pleasing to your request~, their free by the way we don't sell these, they're for souvenirs~"

Luffy smiled as he grabbed the smaller one looking right up at the lady with a cute sparkle in his eyes, "umm where can I change into this nii-chan?"

Unoticed by the innocent teen, the girl's cheeks went rosy at his expression, "o-over there" she pointed to a door to the left and Luffy showed her his signature smile, "shishishi! Thanks!"

The rubber man scurried into the room, leaving Law there REALLY miffed and alone with the source of his irritation.

The girl then suddenly coughed gaining the dark doctor's attention.

"You're a lucky man to have someone like that, you might wanna keep a close eye on him, there are a lot of single women around here who would actually KILL for a cutie like that"

Law blinked processing the new information, "thank you for the advice miss"

She bitterly smiled as Law walked into the other room right beside the one Luffy went in, "He's a truly lucky man indeed~" she depressingly whispered.

Suprisingly, Law was the first one to come out in his yukata (he looks just like the picture), not long after he came out he heard Luffy shuffle into the room.

"It's about ti-" The surgeon froze with his mouth sealed shut, he was completely mesmerized by the beauty before him.

Luffy was dressed in a long red kimono with elegant inky black cherry blossoms seen drawn on where the right shoulder was and left bottom corner where his left leg should be, the haramaki around Luffy's waist was black like the cherry blossoms with a big bow in the back, and to top it all off, he had a small black cherry blossom twig poking out of the ribbon on his strawhat where above his ear would be.

The both of them just stood there completely mesmerized by the other until a familiar cough sounded in the room.

"Umm, is the clothes to your liking boys?" Luffy's head whirled around facing the now nervous girl.


She blushed at Luffy's words, as they both headed out of the small stand, Law swore he heard the girl mumble something like, "If only he wasn't taken~"

The surgeon frowned, something told him he was going to have to fight off A LOT of desperate girls away from his man today.

"Honey~" Luffy paused at Law's voice and looked at him flushing a dark shade of pink from the pet name, "yeah?" Law smirked.

"Let's go drop off our clothes at the Sunny" Law lifted up the plastic bags that now had their clothes inside and Luffy smiled taking Law's hand, "Mnm!"


To say that Law was pissed would be an understatement, he was now a living incarnation of wrath itself! And I'm not joking!

Fifteen flipping women tried to flirt with Luffy right in front of him, on their FIVE minute walk to the sunny. FIFTEEN. FUCKING. WOMEN.


The taller raven kept cursing in his head until a small hand meekly touched his shoulder, "Law we can go back to the Sunny if you want.."

The doctor looked down at his stressed lover, after woman number five, Luffy started to get scared of all the girls trying to latch onto him, the strategist wouldn't be surprised if he might have a female-phobia now.

And he noticed how his lover was getting more and more angry, which ended up with him wanting to hide in the Sunny.

But the surgeon only sighed in irritation.

'Those fucking imbeciles scared the fuck out of Luffy-ya, now another reason to slash those sluts into pieces'

Law really wanted to oblige and let Luffy cuddle up on the Sunny, safe and not being constantly harassed, but he'd be damned if he let those women ruin their first official date.

"It's okay Luffy-ya, I know those girls scared you, but don't you worry, if any of them makes any suspicious moves I'll slice them with this"

Law gestured to his precious nodachi that was currently being held over his shoulder.

The teen didn't look sure at first but slowly started to relax again from his lover's reassurance, he let in a deep breath and smiled at his partner one all the fear dissipated.

"Thanks honey, I needed that" Law blushed at the familiar pet name and pouted at the come back, "N-no problem"

Luffy laughed at the doctor's now shy attitude until they stood once again in front of the town, Law already noticed some girls stopping in their tracks when they saw Luffy and unfortunately so did the rubber man.

The strawhat captain recoiled back in slight fear, seeking shelter behind Law's taller frame, yep, no doubt this was going to mentally scar him once the day was through.

"Luffy-ya" Law strongly gripped Luffy's hand silently securing the nervous boy.

Luffy looked up at the surgeon's reassuring eyes and nodded instantly, gaining confidence as they both started walking towards the town, "Let's have fun Torao"

Shit.....I like this chapter.....does that make me a terrible person?

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