The Big Party

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Okay guys just to warn you now I have no idea how long I'll make this but one things for sure... THNX FOR CLICKING ON MY FIRST FANFIC EVER *HANDS OUT RAINBOW PUPPIES EVERYWHERE* AS A PRIZE HERE ARE SOME GAY DOGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (*_*)


It was completely and utterly wild on a certain summer island in the middle of the new world, one could even say it was out of control with all of the occasional explosions and wildfires, making it look like an active war zone to anyone who happened to have passed by.

The strawhats and heart pirates were going crazy, celebrating their -so far- biggest accomplishment together yet, which was defeating a certain evil, batshit loco and blood thirsty shichibucki who almost singlehandedly annihilated an entire island and everyone who was on it.

That's right I'm talking about fucking Donquixote Dolflamingo people!!! WHOOOHOOO!!

Of course, at first the heart pirates declined at the thought of a celebration over this amazing feat and wanted to say strictly on the course of business matters, especially since Law warned the rest of his crew how...'persuasive' their captain could be when he wanted to.

But eventually Luffy and the rest wouldn't have it, and the hearts couldn't help but violently tumble into their screwy pace, which now leads us to the current chain of events.

Half of the heart pirates were already passed out from too much booze and the other half was one step away from being drunk to death, and during this mass of chaos amongst the hearts, somehow every member of the strawhats were both still sober and still partying although they drank twice as much as the hearts ever did in their whole pirate careers.

"H-*hiccup*-oly crap, how can you guys still be sober after *hiccup* drinking so much?" Penguin couldn't help but ask the tiny tanuki sitting in a high stool, while laying face down on the floor, for he was now too drunk to move a single muscle.

"What do you mean? We usually drink a lot more, but after the battle we weren't able to restock properly because of the marines interference, maybe that's a good thing though, since no one here wants to see Zoro get drunk" Chopper replied as if it was the weather they were talking about as he continued sipping his bottle of milk.

This left Penguin just laying there with an 'are you fucking kidding me' face, he just couldn't believe his ears, but now that he did think about it, maybe getting the Strawhats drunk was indeed a bad idea.

"My question is how all you guys can be such light weights!? We barely drank anything and half of you are already unconscious! What the hell do you guys do!?" Nami spout out as she just won a drinking contest with poor Shachi, only a mild blush tinged on her lips as proof.

"I *hiccup* I'm finished" the poor thing mumbled before knocking himself out, effectively falling unconscious.

Penguin was now left wondering just what kind of monsters his captain decided to make an alliance with, or more like what demons he's made a deal with.

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