The Impossible Smile

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'These guys are fucking monsters' was the only thing every heart pirate could think of, there were no other possible explanations, except that maybe they were all demons from the underworld but that one sounded too ridiculous to be true, except in Strawhat's case.

"And here I thought you guys were scary enough when I heard your captain took down Dolflamingo with a single punch" Penguin mumbled, it almost embarrassed him to think that he thought that was all that was going to suprise him.

"Hey, speaking of that guy, where is he anyway?" Shachi questioned, finally awake after having some water poured onto his face by another generous heart pirate.

"Ah, that idiot is probaby eating up a storm or causing a ruckus somewhere, just look for all the screaming and I'm sure he's there in the middle" Zoro grumbled with a lazy glare sent in Shachi's general direction, mildly ticked off at how lowly he seemed to have thought of his captain.

"Speaking of strawhat-san, where's our captain?" Bepo, now joining the conversation stated, that sudden realization then came to them as they realized they haven't heard or seen their leader for almost four whole hours now, and that was a lot considering his reaction to the proposal of this party.

"Ah, we better look for-" "don't bother, he's over there with Luffy and Ussop" Sanji interrupted Penguin as the man was just preparing to search around.

That's when Bepo, Shachi and Penguin turned around to the direction Zoro lazily pointed to, but immediately their eyes bugged out and their jaws practically fell to the ground at the sight before them.

There was Luffy looking at Law with a smile on his face, while Usopp was sitting on his other side and was talking about something they couldn't hear, but the thing that shocked them was that Law himself, their grumpy smartass captain was in fact smiling, and not just that, but he was also laughing like there was no tomorrow which indeed never happened before!

The sight was purely alien to them, unheard of, almost frightening even.

"Is the captain... SMILING!?" All three gaped, this was wrong, he never smiled, was the end of the world approaching!? Was there a giant tsunami heading towards them!? Was Doflamingo coming back for revenge, preparing a bloody massacre!?

"What's up with you guys? He's smiling, so what?" Sachi faced Zoro as if he just grew three heads, and really ugly ones at that, "THE CAPTAIN NEVER, EVER SMILES! THE ONLY THING I'VE SEEN ON HIS FACE OTHER THAN A FROWN IS A CREEPY SMIRK BEFORE HE DOES SOMETHING SADISTIC!"

Nami looked and him with mild shock and a bit of confusion, "well, I can tell you we haven't seen it often ourselves, but he has been smiling a lot more than that on our ship, at least when Luffy's around..wait, are you still drunk?"

Penguin gaped at her, still not believing his very ears until he finally snapped out of it and decided on something important, maybe, just maybe the captain needed this.

Nobody noticed Penguin sneakingly scurry away with a new mission on his mind, remembering Law's smile stuck to his face with a newfound determination.

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