The Tough Farewell

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Hello everyone its time for another new chappie today!~ MAYBE EVEN TWO!!! OMG WHUTS THAT *INSERTS RIBBON* here is a little clue to what im putting in this chapter (°○°)


After the raging party last night everyone was waaaayy to hung over to even dream of waking up...well actually, almost everyone that is.

Law's POV

'Aaaaaauuuuuggghhhh my head hurts! So that's actually how hard mugiwara-ya likes to party with no distractions~ Auggh, BRAIN NO, STOP THOSE THOUGHTS, AAAAHHHHH!! I'M WAY TOO HUNGOVER FOR THIS SCREWY SHIT!!!'

While continuing with my mental battle I failed to notice the dark figures preparing to pounce on me from behind the island's thick vegetation, surrounding me one by one.


Just a moment too late I became aware of my attacker's presence as I felt myself become surrounded in a knockout gas.

'Shit, I let my guard down...'

Just before the darkness swallowed my vision whole, I heard a distorted yet strangely very familiar voice, "Okay everyone get the ribbons and pens!"


Luffy's POV


I turned to look where I saw Torao last night during the party but he was gone! Even after I went through the trouble to sleep by him, 'Awww he got up already, I wanted to see him asleep!'

Suddenly, I froze when I realized what I just thought, 'huh, weird, why do I wanna see Torao asleep?'

I sat there for awhile thinking until my head hurt, 'Torao's my nakama, but I know I don't wanna see any of my other nakama asleep with me! I wanna hug-AUUGGH!! WHY DO I WANNA HUG TORAO NOW!? WAIT MY FACE FEELS HOT!! AM I SICK!?'

I begun to panic and started to look for Chopper, "CHOPPER WHERE ARE YOU!? I THINK I'M SICK!!"

That's when I saw someone quickly bolt up from the ground, making a bunch of leaves go flying around them before falling back into the dirt, as if they just realized they had something important to do while trying to sleep, thinking that it was Chopper, I ran towards them only finding Zoro with a bad look on his face, almost like he ate something super sour, like a yucky lemon.

"Huh? Hey Zoro, what's wrong with you?"

Then he turned to face me with a worried scowl, "why do you think you're sick?"

'Oh yeah, Zoro is the most protective in the crew, he must be super worried' I remembered, "uhh, my head feels warm" After I said that, Zoro got up and took a close look at my face with a blank, but scary expression.

I was happy when it seemed he didn't find anything wrong until he looked down at my cheeks and his eyes bugged out of his head yelling, "EEEEEEEEEEHHHH!!??"

I immediately panicked when he did that, "WHAT!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY CHEEKS!? AM I SICK AFTER ALL!?"

After he saw my freakout he quickly recovered himself, and calmed down with a deep nose sigh.

Zoro's POV

"OH! Uhh, sorry about that Luffy, it's nothing, I just thought I saw something is all...uhhh why don't you go get the ero-cook to make breakfast already?"

At that perfect moment Luffy's stomach started to rumble, "AHHH I'M SOOO HUNGRY!!! SAANNNJJIIIII!!!!!"

Luffy ran off to go on his little 'ero-cook hunt' while I stood there dumbfounded, 'WAS THAT REALLY BLUSH I SAW ON HIS FACE!? DOES THAT MEAN HE LIKES SOMEONE!?..No wait... This is LUFFY I'm talking about here! He knows nothing about romance or any of that shit!!'

So I decided I was just seeing shit that wasn't there, 'now.. back to that nap' I thought as I headed back to the Sunny.


Normal POV

Just before Luffy and the rest of the crew left the island to set sail for their next adventure, Luffy noticed something, "hey! I haven't seen Torao all morning, where is he?"

At that moment, Luffy heard a ruckus below and saw all the heart pirates (except Law) arrive with a massive yellow present wrapped up with a reddish pink ribbon on the top.

"OHHH!! WHAT'S THAT!?" Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp all had stars in their eyes and started surrounding it while admiring the huge box with starstruck expressions on their faces, almost like a bunch of children getting a birthday present.

"What is this?" Nami asked Penguin, she though, was eyeing the huge box with suspicion, feeling more than a bit skeptical, Law may have been a huge help in Dressrosa, but who knows if he decided to up and stab them in the back?

"It's a present for you Strawhats for taking such good care of our captain! We got it ourselves!" Luffy who eavesdropped on the conversation looked at Penguin with a mild blush no one seemed to have noticed, "i-is it from Torao?" Luffy asked with the slight hope.

"No actually, it's from everyone in our crew, but..I guess you could say this is for the captain too in a way" Sachi cleverly hinted without saying too much.

Robin looked at him quite puzzled from the wordplay, instantly knowing something was up, "what would that mean?"

Shachi started to chuckle at the question but zipped his mouth shut when Penguin gave him a threatening heated glare from over Usopp's shoulder, "oh you'll find out soon enough, but don't open it OR read the letter on top until after you set sail..okay?"

Before anyone could question their shady motives, Luffy jumped onto the side of the ship, widely stretched his arms, wrapped them around the box and clumsily plopped the package onto the grassy deck.


Luffy could barely hold in his bustling excitement, he was jumping up and down with such force that it actually made the entire Sunny rock... Just barely though.

Nami sighed with disappointment, "Luffy we don't even!- *sigh* you know what!? Fine, come on everyone time to go!"

After all the preparation was complete, the heart pirates passionately yelled their goodbyes, unknown to the Strawhats that they were saying farewell to much more then just their new friends on the sea.


"Think captain's gonna be okay with them?" Penguin looked to the slightly depressed looking Bepo with a small comforting smile dancing in his lips before patting his back.

"Knowing him, he's gonna be just fine, come on, we've known him since childhood!" Shachi's grin grew even wider as a joke came to mind.

"My question is if those guys are gonna be alright with him!?" Everyone laughed at the joke as they headed towards their yellow submarine, destination in mind: North blue.

"Better start heading home to wait for that jackass to get back!" Sachi giggled "Can't wait to see him again!" Bepo fondly smiled.




Yes I know im evil for stoppin it like that but im thinking about doing another chappie today so we'll be right back after these LOOOONNNNGGGG messages!~

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