Brontë POV

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1 year later...

I walked down off the stage joining my fellow peers as our families cheered and clapped in the stands as they watched us receive our diploma's. I grinned over towards Katie who was sat beside Sydney and Skyler, she had tears in her eyes and beamed over at me blowing me a kiss.
As the last person joined us off of the stage we were lead to the end of our graduation, placing our tassels to the right before everyone threw their caps into the air.

"We did it!!"Jayda screamed crushing Saskia and I into a hug, I couldn't help the huge grin form on my face at the fact I had just graduated, not only that but I got to do it along side my best friends and my boyfriend.

"I know! I love you guys!" Saskia said pulling away, tears streaming from her face, that then set Jayda and I off and soon we were all a bundle of tears hugging each other.

"I hate to interrupt this lovely moment, but may I steal my girlfriend back?"I heard a voice come from behind us. We pulled back and there he was grinning over towards me before scooping me into his arms.

"Hello you" I say nuzzling my head into his neck before he places me back down onto my feet. He looked down at me placing his hand on my face before planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"You look beautiful" He said interlocking our hands together as we made our way over to our family, I blushed and thanked him.

Sydney and Skyler came running up to me, hugging my legs, "You did amazing" Sydney said as she looked up at me grinning, I smiled back down at her and brought them both in for a tight hug. "Thank you gorgeous girls"I squeezed them tightly.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around Katie comes into view, "I'm so proud of you!! Come here" she pulled me in for a hug, there were a few tears shed as I thanked her for always being there for me and how she basically turned into the mum I had always wanted, that only made her cry more and she hugged me until I heard my name being called.

"Brontë, my dear" I see Sharon come into view, she walks up to me and hugs me tightly. "Congratulations sweetheart" she grinned a few tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Thank you!!" I say grinning back at her before Hunter comes and joins in.

I know there's a future there for Hunter and I, ever since that night in the Lookout we've just gotten stronger. Sharon was unbelievably correct, that night really did mean so much more to me, more than I thought it would.

As I stand back looking over at all my friends and family I take in everything that has happened over the past few years, my life really has changed for the better and I couldn't be anymore thankful nor grateful for everything I have.
I have friends, family and a boyfriend who love me, I never thought I would ever be able to say that again.

I know my mum and dad are both watching over me. Helping me secretly along the way.

I love you.

Thank you.

LOOKOUTOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora