Hunter POV

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Why couldn't I get her out of my mind? I could still feel her touch on my face, every moment from last night replaying in my head.

"Hunter," I heard my mum call out; I'm surprised she's awake right now; it's six-thirty, she usually sleeps until at least ten.

I walked out onto the small landing walking into her room. "What do you need?" I ask softly; she holds out her empty glass smiling up at me "water please, love" I took the glass from her fragile hands and made my way to the kitchen.

After giving my mum her water, I went back to my room. I got back into bed, checking my phone for any messages.

Kai - "what time are you training tonight, H?"

Nate - "Do you know who Brontë's friend was last night??"

Elija - "I'm coming over at 3 to pick you up for the gym."

Ray - "Which one of the guys threw up in the car last night? I've just seen :/"

I replied to Kai, sending him a copy of my message from Elija; I sent Elija a quick alright, "No idea, why?" I replied to Nate and laughed when I got to Ray's, "It was Kai; he drank way more than his limit!" I laughed, remembering his face in the car.

I feel my phone vibrate, focusing my attention back to my messages;

Kai - "Alright mate, see you then."

Nate - "She was hot ;)"

Ray - "I knew it! he denied it, twat."

I chuckled at the replies, checking the time as I went off messages, seven, alright since mum's up, she'll need to take her medication.

I got up grabbing Mum's tablets from my desk draw and headed to her room again; she smiled when she saw me.

"Here," I placed two small tablets into the palm of her hand. I handed her her water, watching her knock the pills back, taking a sip of her water.

"Any plans for today, love?" she asked, lying back down into the covers.

"Just heading over to the gym after to train, that's it," I finished, and she gave me a worried look. She's never been happy with my choice at boxing as she knows how bad I can get knocked up after certain fights.

She thinks I do it because I enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I love being in the gym and working out, but the fights can take a toll on me. I do it for the money since I don't have a job, I box. I can't picture myself working behind a till or having a proper job, at least, and legal.

"Please be careful," she said, placing my hand in hers and kissing it. I looked down at her and kissed her forehead. 

"Aren't I always" I reply, smiling and heading back out.

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