Hunter POV

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I felt really bad that I wasn't there for Brontë when she first got released from the hospital but my mum wasn't at her best yesterday.

"Hunter" I heard her call, I went into her room and saw she was sat up reading.

"Yeah?" she looked over at me smiling

"I want you to invite Brontë over tonight for dinner, I'm going to cook" I looked at her not sure what to say. "Don't just stand there dear, go and give her a call" she said while chuckling.

"Are you sure you're feeling better today mum?" I asked making sure she was defiantly fit for cooking. 

She looked at me with a 'don't mother me' face.

"I'm perfectly fine, darling, if I get tired later I will excuse myself and head to bed" she reassured me and I nodded giving her a small smile before heading to my room to call Brontë.

"Hello" she answers Chirpily

"Hey, I was wondering if you want to come over for dinner tonight?"

"I would love to!" she exclaimed "What time shall I head over?"

"Well I thought I could take you out afterwards, so do you want to come around six?"

"Okay see you then!" she said before ending the call.

I went out to buy the ingredients for mum. On my way to the shop I got a call from an unknown number, I didn't answer thinking they had the wrong number most probably.

I pulled up outside the shop, just as I was getting out the number called me again.


"Hi, is this Hunter?" the voice said, it was a man, the voice rang a bell.

"Yes, who is this?" I question back

"Please don't hang up when I say" He asked I could hear the plea in his voice.

"Well I can't promise anything, just tell me who you are?" I respond getting fed up.

"It's dad"

I couldn't respond, so many questions swarmed my brain. Anger immediately rose within me.

"What the hell do you want?" My tone grew aggressive, tears welling up in my eyes. I immediately blinked them back.

"I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now, but I really need to see you and your mum." 

As soon as he mentioned my mum thats when I completely lost it.

"How dare you. You have no right trying to come crawling back into our lives after everything you did. After leaving. Forget it." I hung up taking a huge breath before making my way into the shop.

He didn't try and call me back. I'm glad.

I got back home and and got everything ready for mum. A few minutes later I saw her at the bottom of the stairs just looking down at her phone. She was shaking.

"Mum" I say quickly rushing over to her, "Whats wrong?", she didn't saying anything but handed me her phone. He called her. Flashbacks from before came back in my mind to play.

"He called me too" I say placing her phone on the counter. "What did he say?", she just shook her head and replied, 

"Nothing worth mentioning" Is all she said before walking into the kitchen. I didn't want to push into asking so I just left it.

It was later on and mum seemed a lot better, she had her music playing while dancing as she cooked, I couldn't help but smile. I've not seen her this excited in ages.

She turned around winking, "Hey, I've still got moves" She laughed while wiggling her hips before turning her attention back to the pasta. I just shook my head and laughed. I heard the door go.

"Brontë" I said before giving her a hug, I released her and she placed her hand on my cheek before kissing it, "Hey" she smiled.

I took her into the kitchen to meet my mum, she started chuckling when she saw my mum dancing around the kitchen. My mum turned around and hit me on the arm for not warning her Brontë had arrived.

"It's so lovely to finally meet you Brontë, I've heard a lot about you" she said while giving Brontë a huge squeeze.

"I hope all good things" she laughed turning to face me for a second before giving her attention back to my mum. "It's lovely to meet you to Mrs Lock" she said politely while smiling.

"Oh please, call me Sharon" she said going in for another hug, this time longer. She finally let Brontë breath again and went back to preparing dinner.

"Do you need any help mum?"

"Please can you set the table Hunter?" I nodded and took Brontë through to the dining room.

"So how does it feel to be out back to reality?" I asked looking up to her smiling, she smiled.

 "Pretty good, but much better now" she looked at me winking, I smirked at her getting at what she means.

Once the table was set, dinner was ready. My mum brought threw our bowls of her famous tagliatelle. We all dug in straight away, its been a while since my mums cooked.

"So how long have you two been a thing?" my mum asked her eyes gleaming with excitement, Brontë blushed slightly.

"We aren't together" she said shyly, looking up at my mum.

"Yet" I said looking over at her before retuning my eyes to my mum. My mum grinned at the two of us.

"Well I can tell you've got my boys heart Brontë, I've never seen him like this before" I couldn't help but go red myself, I mean not that my mum was wrong its just embarrassing. Brontë looked at me her eyes held a meaning behind them, she gave me a smile grabbing my hand under the table.

For the rest of the meal we chatted about different things until my mum excused herself saying that she needed to go and lay down. Brontë immediately offered to help her up and my mum didn't reject the offer.

"Thank you darling, I would also love to have a word alone with you sweetheart" Brontë nodded and followed my mum up to her room. I was pretty confused but I left it and went to clean up.

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