Brontë POV

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I've just realised that these are probably the best nights of sleep I have had in a while. I smiled being honestly grateful of the people I now have in my life and how amazing each and every one of them are.

These two weeks went pretty fast. My friends came to visit me everyday after school and a little longer on the weekends. Katie also came and visited, along with her daughters, Sydney and Skyler.

Katie ensured me I can always look at them as my family, I was very appreciative of her and I thanked her.

It was my final day in hospital, I couldn't wait to get back home, especially knowing Talia won't be there.

I spoke to Katie about it and since the house is left under my name I can live there on my own as I'm eighteen, Katie lives next door so she said if I ever need anything I am welcome to go over anytime.

"Are you ready to go?" Katie asked grinning as she came into my room.

I had just finished collecting up my things.

"I am" I couldn't help the huge grin that was glued to my face. Katie and I walked out the room signing me out on the way out the hospital before heading over to her car.

We pulled up outside Katie's house and I thanked her again for everything, I couldn't tell her enough about how grateful I am. She pulled me in for a hug once we were out of the car.

"Anytime Brontë, as I've said we are only next door, call me whenever you need me!" she said tearing up a little. I hugged her back tightly before making my way back over to my house.

I opened the door, expecting to see a mess of alcohol all over the floor but too my surprise it was spotless. I was shocked to say the least.

I walked into the kitchen, finding a note stuck to the fridge.

"Open me :)", doing as the note said I opened the fridge, welcomed with fully stocked shelves, filled with newly bought food and drinks, this couldn't be Talia, she doesn't have a heart.

I closed the fridge door now scanning the room for any more clues onto who it could have been, I then walked over to the oven, and once again found the same note. Opening up the oven I see a plate with pancakes placed on top along with another note.

"Welcome home :) love Katie" I chuckled picking up the plate of pancakes which were still hot, how didn't I guess.

After finishing up my pancakes I went up stairs and took a shower before throwing on some comfy clothes. I had a text off the girls saying they were coming over with pizza, with that in mind I made my way downstairs and decided to pick out a film and make start on getting some drinks ready before the girls arrived.

The door bell went and I raced over opening it almost getting knocked over at the impact of both Jayda and Saskia.

"Okay, can't breath" I say gasping out as I was released with laughter.

"I hope we didn't squish the pizza doing that" Jayda said inspecting the pizza now, Saskia and I laughed and we all made our way to the living room.
I put on the film, Still Alice. By the end we were all sobbing. Finally composed, we went into the kitchen, deciding to bake some cupcakes, because why not.

"You did not!" I yelled as Jayda poured a load of flour over me, she burst out laughing, I cracked an egg on top of her head shutting her up. She had pure shock in her face until we all burst out laughing.

"Your turn!!" we looked over at Saskia as she stopped laughing now fearing for her life as we started throwing around flour and eggs aiming in her direction. She screamed and ran into the dining room away from us.

By the end we were all covered in egg and flour.

Even with all the commotion, it's safe to say the cakes still turned out great, I couldn't help but laugh at how bad we all smelt and looked.

Jayda went and used my shower and Saskia went to use the guest bathroom while I cleaned up the messy remains of our baking fiasco.

I was about to go and take a shower since Jada was done but the door went, Jada looked at me confused wondering why someone would be ringing my bell at midnight. I opened the door to see the lads gathered around with shocked faces when they saw me with flour and egg all over me. I looked down at my appearance slightly embarrassed that  I didn't send Jayda to the door but I couldn't help the small smile that crept on my face, thinking back at the past hour.

"Well don't you look dressed for the Oscar's" Nate said winking at me before walking inside. I sarcastically laughed at his comment before letting the others in who smirked as they went passed me.

"I mean, it's different, but I think I could live with this look" Kai said examining me as he looked me up and down pretending as if he were in deep thought. He looked back up laughing, "What have you lot been doing?"

I smirked and replied, "Just girly things" I don't think he caught my banter so he walked away shaking his head while I laughed.

Once I had my shower I came back down to sit with everyone. "Where's Hunter?" I asked not seeing him anywhere, then again he wasn't with them when they arrived.

"He's at home, he said he wanted to come but he has to look after his mum" Kai said, Ray then hit him on the arm giving him a 'What the hell' look.

"Whats wrong with his mum?"I couldn't help but ask.

"He'll tell you in good time, B" Ray said giving me a reassuring smile, I nodded giving a small smile back understanding before joining them all on the sofa.

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