Hunter POV

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I had just gotten off the phone with Brontë, and I felt the relief wash over me, knowing that she could come. I'm not the best with being social; call me socially awkward if you must.

The guys and I arrived at Tashas, picking out a booth for all of us to sit around so there would be enough room.

"Are Brontë and the girls coming?" Nate asks while sipping his banana milkshake.

"Yeah, she said she would call me when they were on their way" He nodded in response, and we all carried on with our previous conversation.

Brontë - "We are on our way x"

I looked down at the message smiling slightly; I texted an okay back, letting her know I received it and then let the lads know so that we could start ordering.

Saskia had texted off of Brontë's phone what they wanted while they were on their way here; this would make it quicker for the food to get here.

"Hey guys," Brontë's voice came from behind; I turned around to see her along with Saskia and Jayda sliding into the booth next to me.

I noticed Nate call Jayda over to sit by him. She went over, and they started talking. I almost burst out laughing, seeing how hard Nate was trying to flirt with Jada, but she didn't seem to mind. Brontë also caught on as she let out a little chuckle.

Saskia, on the other hand, went over to talk to Elija. Kai and Ray mixed with both conversations.

"How long have you been going to FG?" Brontë asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I  started going when I was 13," I replied honestly.

"To be honest, it kind of shows," she said smiling, slightly blushing.

Damn, this girl is cute.

Once we had all eaten, we all agreed to go over to Saskia's house. I drove behind Brontë, letting her lead the way back to Saskia's. When we got there, Saskia took us into the living room, and we all just crashed out onto the couch stuffed from how much we had all eaten.

"What shall we do, guys?" Jayda exclaimed, jumping up from the couch now standing in front of us all. Everyone looked around at each other until Brontë spoke up.

"I think we should watch a film," she exclaimed excitedly; she looked over at me for a brief moment, smiling to then returning to Jayda.

"Yeah, let's do that!!, where's Saskia gone?"

"Okay, so I have drinks for everyone; you can choose between lemonade or just water," Saskia said as she walked into the living room carrying two jugs filled with those exact drinks. She placed them onto the large table in front of the long curved sofa, along with eight tall glasses.

"What films do you have, Sas?" Kai spoke up; Saskia ran back out the room, coming back in moments later with a stack of films to choose from.

We all ended up choosing the film Happy Gilmore, because why not.

We all filled onto the couch; Brontë came over and placed herself next to me. Saskia sat with Elija and Jayda with Nate. Ray and Kai sat on the bean bags placed next to the couches.

Halfway through the film, Brontë lay her head on my lap, placing a pillow between her and my leg. I was a little shocked initially, but then I wrapped my arm around her back and brought her closer to my chest.

With the film coming to an end, Kai was passed out on the bean bag while Jayda snuggled up next to Nate. Brontë had her face hidden in my hoodie cuddled into my chest; Saskia chuckled, "You're all welcome to stay the night" she looked down at Brontë and I, smiling.

I looked down at Brontë, watching her sleep peacefully. "I wish I could, but I need to get home," I said to Saskia, not taking my eyes off of Brontë. "Thank you for the offer though" I looked up and smiled at her, and she smiled, saying it wasn't a problem.

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