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  • इन्हें समर्पित: R3aD5r

I've decided to keep 'Knight with no Armour' short and to the point. More like a novella. And since this is written in Jeremy slash Danuj's point of view, language isn't clean like my other stories.

Song attached: Photograph by Nickelback (I completely lose it when the chorus starts, I don't even know why).

Dedicated to IHAS' one shot - third place, R3aD5r . Her writing is awesomesauce. You guys should definitely check her works out! :)

Chapter 03


That was what I was doing to myself as I kept going through the gallery of my cell.

Picture after picture of Uthra and Ayisha clouded it and even though each swipe filled me with a heart clenching pain, I couldn't stop.

"Wowzers," a voice whispered in my ear, "they are both super pretty."

I jumped, startled out of my wits. Keira looked not a bit sorry for scaring me as she smiled faintly, tugging a strand of that unruly brown hair behind her ear.

"Why can't you leave me alone?" I asked through gritted teeth before closing the gallery and tucked the cell into my back pocket.

"Who are they?" she asked instead.

I sighed and started walking away from her but she followed me, humming a rag tune. I looked over my shoulders, annoyed at the mere presence of her but she was busy smiling at some old couple who were walking past her, her long hair flying behind her.

Everything about her irritated me. From that over-happy smile to that ridiculously long hair which she didn't attempt to tie up, everything annoyed me. But what was the cherry on the top was how she took it upon herself to be my best friend. Because in her eyes, I was the new kid in the town who eventually becomes a loner since he's an outsider. She once said that she was going to be the Jessica to my Bella from some book called Moonlight or Nightlight or something.

"Danuj, can you slow down a little?"

I groaned but instead hastened my steps. I heard mild huffing and a moment later, the girl was jogging beside me. She looped her hand into mine and I halted abruptly.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I withdrew my hand as if I was stung but she paid no heed as she took it into her hands again. I looked around trying to see if anyone had noticed us but the old people in the park were drowned in their own cosy worlds to notice that.

"Garlic," she muttered before shaking her head.

And the fact that half of the time what she said didn't make sense did nothing to fizzle the annoyance.

"What is your problem?" I asked, my voice borderline icy.

"You cussed," she said, tightening her grip on my hand and I rolled my eyes.

"No shit, Sherlock."


"I give up," I mumbled before peeling her fingers off. "What part of leave me alone don't you understand?"

Keira Wilson gave me a toothy grin.

"The whole part."




Doing homework had never been so blissful in my life.

Fireflies Of The Dusk | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें