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Song attached: A Younha cover of A goose's dream by Insooni.

< unedited >

Chapter 05

"Jeremy." Uthra looked over at me, a curious look on her face.


"Do you like me?" Her fingers played behind Gonzales' ears, making the rabbit lean closer to her. I laughed inching closer to her.

"I love you."

It was so cheesy and I wanted to cringe. But still, there was a smile on my face. A smile that she easily brings out of me. Uthra grinned cheekily. "Heck yeah. Who doesn't love me?" But her grin moulded back into a thin line, curiosity back in her eyes.

"We met because of our fathers," she said, cradling Gonzales like how she did years back when I showed him to her in the woods. "And we were meant to marry each other when we grew up. I just wanted to know if you like me as a person. You know, if we had met under other circumstances like... say, random classmates, would you still like me?"

The 'yes' was almost out of my lips when I stopped. Uthra continued petting Gonzales not bothering to throw a glance at me with my lack of an answer.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully.

"Knew it."

Her black eyes met mine and there was no traces of any disappointment or sadness there. She looked like she always does. Friendly warmth and trust were the things that always stared back at me whenever those black eyes held mine. Like how it did now.

In the haze, nothing moved but somehow, Uthra was moving away from me. Or it was me moving away from her. Or maybe no one moved. But the distance between us increased and increased. It was humanly not possible to read eyes from such a long distance but somehow, hers pierced through mine until her black eyes shimmered. Something seemed to flicker in there. The black melted. Everything seemed to shift, morph into some sort of glow and suddenly, a pair of brown eyes looked back at me.



"Why am I doing this?" a boyish voice grumbled from somewhere above my head.

Something bright burned my eyes and I shielded it with my arms.

What the heck?

I groaned, blinking my eyes, trying to see through the brightness. "My eyes are burning. What's happening to me?" a weak voice croaked and in the back of my sluggish mind, I frowned. Did I say that?

"I told you he was a vampire!" a painfully cheery voice squealed near my ear and I winced. "You never believed, River!"


Lifting my arms that felt like lead, I rubbed my eyes and cautiously cracked my eyes open. The morning sun falling directly on me blinded me but with a couple of blinks, my eyes got accustomed to the light. I trailed my eyes over the familiar surroundings when it abruptly stopped at a pair of brown eyes that looked suspiciously like the eyes from my dream.

"He's up," Keira said. River gave her a 'well duh' look before turning back to me with his forever lazy yet pissed face. The familiarity with how I took in their expressions kind of scared me.

Familiarity was a scary thing.

"Get up." Keira pursed her lips before yanking the comforter off. A wave of coldness hit me followed by a startled scream.

Fireflies Of The Dusk | ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ