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Not much action in the first chapter. To people who haven't read Is He A She?!, 'Jeremy' is actually Danuj. IHAS's lead Uthra (Danuj's ex fiancée) actually used to call him 'Jeremy.' I hope no one gets confused and it would be best if you read the chapter 'You' (2nd 'you' not the first one) and 'Have' if you want to understand the second part of the story :) And guys, tell me if I'm doing an okay job haha.

Dedicated to everyone who has done a mistake, small or big, but regrets it. You can't correct the mistake but you can prevent it from happening again. You aren't alone so if you feel too guilt ridden, go to your friends or family!

Officially dedication to Klowbix , winner of IHAS' one shot. She still hasn't any published books but she is a force to be reckoned. Do check her profile out!


Amma - mother

Chapter 01

"I'm not taking no for an answer."

I looked up to find identical brown eyes look down at mine, hers, trying to look intimidating, mine, tired of having this staring match.

"I'm not saying no," I mumbled as I looked down at my phone subconsciously. A picture of my ex fiancée, ex best friend and me, all smiling and looking ridiculously happy adorned it and at that moment, all I wanted was to smash the phone against the wall opposite to me.

"I'm just—" I cleared my throat and licked my dry lips, "I'm just asking for a few days to settle in."

My aunt blew out a breath as she rolled her eyes.

"You've been 'settling' down for more than twenty days now," she said air quoting 'settling.'

"I know," I groaned as I ran a hand through my hair for the nth time, making it stand up in a way she liked.


"I'm sorry, okay? I just..." I trailed off as I didn't know what to actually say. My head once again bent down on it's own accord.

"Danuj," I heard my aunt whisper and a second later, warm lips pressed against my temple. I didn't stiffen or anything but something tugged inside my chest and I felt my lips starting to quiver.

The gesture felt too familiar, too warm and too affectionate. It was just like my mom's kisses.

"I'm not going to ask you what's wrong, okay?" she said as her fingers mindlessly ruffled my hair, "I mean, minding your jerk of a father, anything could go wrong. So I won't ask you why you ran away from your home to here. But if we want your father to back off, you've to join school here. He's threatening to come here and drag you back."

A bitter chuckle escaped my lips as I wiped the sweat off my face, suddenly feeling more than tired.

"Since when did he start to care anyway?"

I didn't expect any answer and my aunt didn't bother to give one.

The silence between us dragged to immeasurable levels as my aunt shot me numerous worried glances. I sighed and nodded my head.

"Okay," I said, getting up from the couch, "I'll join."






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