Get to know me

937 13 2

I was tagged by alliekatt314 to do the 13 things about me. Here they are and please, if there is any hate or judging, you will be blocked. I'm not dealing with crap from strangers.

1.) My name is Hannah

2.) I am 14

3.) I am in the band and I play the Clarinet

4.) I have a crush on a guy who "turned" straight ... I'm pathetic I know

5.) I have major depression, anxiety, and self harm issues.

6.) I love to read and write on Wattpad so if you need something hit me up fam😂😂

7.) I am dank meme trash

8.) My favorite tv shows are :Teen Wolf, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, Wolf Blood, Heartland, The Secret Life of a Teenager, 90210, and many others.

9.) My favorite movies are: Suicide Squad, The Twilight Series, The Mortal Instruments, Dazed and Confused, Finding Nemo, Cyberbully, and the Jackass series.

10.) My ships are : Steroline, Delena, Benzo, Stalia, Skira, Allisaac, Haylijah, Kavina, Lucaya, Bellarke, Derannah(Derek Hale and myself😂😂) Jalice, Caresme, Rosemett, Parydia, and Rillie Bro (my mom and her boyfriend😂😂) I'm a dork! I know!

11.) I love video games

12.) I have a raging crush on the Joker from Suicide Squad.. Mmm

13.) I idolize Harley Quinn...

Thanks you so much for reading. I tag:

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