Back to Hogwarts

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Third Person POV

Hermione and Ron both spended the last days of their holiday at Harry's house. They were enjoying every single moment with each other. Ron and Harry get quidditch lessons from James, what was always funny. While Hermione helps Lily with cooking. Lily was happy with Hermione. Every time they talked with each other, Lily could see that Hermione was exactly like her when she was younger. Both loving studying, males as their best friends, and many other things they shared. Both James and Lily didn't care that the three best friends were always sleeping late, because James and Lily knows that they couldn't do something against it. Of course, Lily cared more that James and was making sure that Ron, Harry and Hermione weren't going to bed too late. But Ron and Hermione both liked here. They love the jokes of James, who weren't funny at all, Ron loves that Lily was so much like Hermione. Hermione loves that James and Harry were so alike
But times flies by, and soon they have to go back to Hogwarts.
Two days before the students were going back to Hogwarts, Lily and James were going with them to the Daigon Alley. Ron and Hermione get an present too, because they had always cared about Harry. And of course, Harry get an present too. For be named to the quidditch captain of Gryffindor. James was so happy, that he almost started to cry of joy. And now, it was time to go back to Hogwarts.
Harry opened his eyes, and turned the lights on. He was still tired, just because last night he was going to sleep very late.  Harry yawned, and saw that Ron was already up. Ron and Harry were sharing a room, while Hermione get her own room. Harry walked downstairs, and meeted the big grey eyes of Dory. " Did little master needs something before he goes back to Hogwarts?' Said Dory. " No, Dory I'm fine. But thank you anyway' Said Harry. Dory nodded and he walked upstairs, to clean Hermione's room up. Harry walked downstairs and saw the rest of the squad already dressed, and almost ready to go. " HARRY JAMES POTTER! WHY ARE YOU NOT DRESSED?' Shouted Lily. Ron just laughed at Harry's face, and that's why Lily shot Ron an angry glare. Soon after that, Harry was getting dressed. When he walked downstairs again, everyone and everything was ready to go. Everyone gets into a muggle car, and the driver drives them to King Cross Station. " Okay guys. Good luck this year. Please write us!' Shouted James, while he and Lily was standing on the Station. Harry nodded and gave both his parents a quick kiss on the cheek. Lily hugged Harry goodbye, and Harry gets into the train.
Harry walks over to Neville, Ginny and Luna. Ron and Hermione weren't there because they had an meeting together.
" Hello. Had everyone an wonderful summer?' Asked Neville, and the train started. " Yes I had. My and my dad went on a holiday in France." Said Luna. " Oh cool" Answerd Harry shyly, and he sat next to the window. They talked about their summer holiday, and before they realized it, Ron and Hermione. " It was awful" mutterd Ron, as he sat down next to Luna and Harry. Hermione nodded. " Probably Malfoy thinks he knows everthing" Said Hermione. " He is always thinking that, isn't he?' Asked Ginny, and everyone laughed. Well, it's true  thought Harry.

''  Ready to start your next year, Ginny?' Asked Hermione to the ginger girl. ' Well, you know it's going to be hard. The O.W.L.S, the war and everything' Said Ginny. Hermione nodded. ' I know. But you're smart enough' Said Hermione, smiling. Ginny mutterd a 'thanks'.

Harry thought about his last year. He did this before, but never realized that both James and Lily could be dead. And he rememberd the dream he had in the beginning of the year, the dream what was saying that Voldermort wants to kill his parents before he wants to kill Harry. It shocked him, that it almost become true. James almost died, and Marlene was dead. But he rememberd also that Julius Black, Sirus' nephew, saved him from the death. And choosed the right side. Julius was living now with Sirus and they are great friends. Julius don't go to any mission. He was still to scared. And Harry remenberd Umbridge. She was the worst teacher Harry ever had and everyone hated her. Expect Malfoy and his friends. ' Harry? we're there' Said Ron. Harry nodded. They stepped out the train, and soon they saw Hogwarts, their home. Harry smiled towards his friends as they saw Hogwarts. Ron smiled too. When they finally arrived in the Great Hall, for feast, everyone was talking loud. They were still people talking about Harry behind his back, but Harry didn't care. He knows that it was all goood things. He been the ' The Chosen one' and stuff.

' Welcome to Hogwarts first years, and welcome back other students. We arre going into dark times but you're not alone caus someone is sending out flares'   Said Dumbledore. Everyone clapped for the headmaster. It

 You're not alone, caus someone out there sending out flares    These words, Harry rememberd the rest of his whole life.

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