The nephew

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Sirus POV

Remus and I were both very shocked when we heard the news about Harry. We know that he had many quidditch injuries during his Hogwarts career, but this is different. Two days after the news, Dumbledore said that Harry hasn't woke up. Lily left the room and we didn't see her until the next morning. Now, four days passed, and everthing was the same again. James and I are friends again, what makes me happy. He was there for me when i needed him, and i was there and when he needed me. But one time i wasn't there. The day that they died and Harry become an orphan for fourteen years. Don't think about it. They are here again. Safe.  I say to myself.  Marlene walked into my room. We are great friends. We trusted each other with our lives and we could tell everthing to each other. But we are nothing more than friends. Just friends. ' Sirus Orion Black! Are you listen to me? Hmm why are you always like that? Well anyways, you, James, Alice and I are going on a Order mission today' Said Marlene. ' Marlene it's like eight o'clock in the morning! I will make my ready' I said. She gives me a angry look and leaves the room. ' Lily i'm so happy that you marrierd James and NOT Sirus!' I heard Marlene. We have our moments. Sometimes we are friendly and nice to each other but sometimes... Oh sometimes it's like we are enemies. Maybe it's that Marlene still miss her husband John Henderson and daughter Hope. I don't know how she meets him, but probably in the summer after our seventh year. I never meet Hope or John.  But Marlene says that John had ginger hair and grey eyes and Hope had ginger hair and blue eyes, like Marlene's ones.
When I walked downstairs, everyone is ready. " Are you ready, Padfoot?" Asking James. " Of course I am Prongs' I said. " What happend with Marlene?" Whispers James to me. " I dunno. She was angry at me.' I whisper back. James rolled his eyes. But he says nothing. ' Ready?' Asking Lily. James gives Lily a kiss on her cheek. ' Ready' He said. I look at Marlene, her brown curly hair is in a messy ponytail. She looks still angry. ' Come.' Said Alice. We nodded and walked to the door. ' Everyone ready?' Asking Marlene. ' Yes. Let's go!' Said James.
The attack was in a simple street. At first we didn't see much. Where are they? I tought. Maybe it was because the morning sunlight. After waiting for five minutes we see six shadows. One gives an evil laugh. ' Ah! There are we again. Potter, Black , Prewitt and Mckinnion. Or did i have to say Henderson? That was the last name of you lovely husband, right?' That's Bellatrix, the nicest niece ever. Marlene blushed. We see the other shadows. I don't know all the names of them, but i know one.

It's my nephew Julius Black.

I'm not suprised. Of course, the younger nephew who was better than me. He was a slytherin, i was a Gryffindor, he is Death Eather, i'm working for the Order. He is five years younger than me. So when i was in sixth year, he was in his first year. Julius looks at me. ' Nice to see you, Sirus' Said Julius. ' Pleasure.' I said. Bellatrix walked to Alice. The green eyes of Alice, looks at the brown eyes of Bellatrix. Bellatrix grab her hand. ' DON'T TOUCH HER!' Yelled James. Bellatrix looks at James, then she laughed. Her evil laugh again. ' Look... Look what we have here. James Potter. The father of the legendary Harry Potter. Are not scared to lose your son?' Asking Bellatrix. You can see that she is the leader of the group. " No! He is a strong guy..." But I know James is lying. Of course he is worrierd. ' Paralits!" Yelled Julius. ' Avis" Yelled James. We laughed because it was always James favorite spell. Julius and I started to duel. ' Julius! What are you doing? You're a death eather! That's wrong! You choose the wrong side" I said. " No you did! You betrayed our family, you were friends with a mudblood!" Said Julius angrily. Now, I'm very angry. Alice and Lily are both muggleborns. What is the matter? They are nice, and funny sometimes. ' What's the matter? Yes, I have to friends who are muggleborn. But one of them, was the best of our class!' I said. " I don't care!" Said Julius. I'm a bit sad. Julius seemed to understand me, but that was before he goes to Hogwarts. The mission ended. We are not injured.
" Are you okay mate? You look a bit sad" Said James. ' I'm fine James" I said. He nodded. We goes to ' home'.
"Any news about Harry?" Asking James, when we arrived in the living room. ' No not yet. He is still unconscious I suppose" Said Lily, her eyes fulled with tears. James walked to her and pulled her in a hug. I know why she is crying. Everyone had those moments, in a world of war. Lily didn't see her son growing up and other thing where didn't get the change to do it. Now I just realised, that we have to be together. Not fighting at each other, just having respect for each other. Now, in this times, we need each other more than ever.


Heyyy guys!!

A new chapter! I was inspired, so that's why I uploaded fast. I hope that you like this one.

Lots of love ❤
~ _ fandomstories_

James and lily returned from The DeathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant