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James POV

I changed my mind. I need the answers on my questions. I need them! I have so many... Did he really means what he says? Go away! I heard Sirus' voice over and over in my head. It all changed... The hole world changed. Nothing is the same.


I lay in my bed, not feeling very well. I telled Lily that I was sick and probably come downstairs soon. I don't need a breakfast or something else. Only answers. But i'm scared that he will scream again. Scream against me. Scream at his best friend. It hurts to see you friend like that, Sirus don't deserves a life like he had now. He had to go outside sometime, but that can't. After Harry and the others goes to Hogwarts, Sirus has changed the most. Did he cared so much about Harry? Maybe. I was dead for fourteen years, but Sirus was in Azkaban for twelve years, so we missed both a lot of Harry's childhood. But always was there Remus. Poor Remus, who has lost everyone and everthing. I heard that the breakfast is over. I walked shyly to the living room. ' Um. Can i talk to Sirus for a moment?' I asking. God, this feels weird . Marlene looked at up , and raised one eyebrow. I know what she is thinking. You was sick, aren't you? I can hear her voice in my head. " Sure. Sirus! James wants to talk with you!' Yelled Marlene, still looked a bit confused. I walked to the kitchen.
There was Sirus.
We looked at each other for a moment. After that moment , he looked away. I was not trying to get his attention. How must i wanted that, he has to need make the first step. ' So. What did you want?' Asking Sirus. His grey eyes meets my hazel eyes. His eyes are standing with anger, confusing and.. betraying. Now I finally understand it. Or I hope so. " Sirus, I just wanted answers.. on my questions..-" Said I. " And why are you asking that on me?!' Asking Sirus, his voice is a bit louder. " Well, You're the one that have to answer them!" I said, my voice began to be a bit louder too. Sirus looked totally confused. I know he is still mad at me , but don't even care. I need that freaking answers! ' W-what the hell did you mean?! James You're mad!" Said Sirus. " No i'm not, Padfoot. You are. You are the one that changed." I said. I shouldn't say that! I think to myself. Okay, this is the stupid thing I ever done in my life. Sirus looks angry. " WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" He yelled. I'm not saying it again. I'm not stupid! But I'm not going to lie against my best friend. " I said that you are mad." I said with anger in my voice. It's over now. I have Remus and the others.
I lose Sirus.
He walked to me and hit me in my face. I fell on the ground. " Sirus.. no please. I can explain it!' I whispers to him. ' WELL IT'S TO LATE!' Sirus yelled. He kicks me once in the nose. I feel it bleeding. Then I feel nothing anymore...

Everthing turns into blackness.

Marlene POV

James walks to the kitchen. I'm worrierd. Sirus was so angry yesterday! I tried to talk with him, but that was impossible. Then I heard Sirus screaming. Oh god Lord. There goes James. I heard Sirus yelled one time more, and then everthing is silent. What happend between them? They seems so close again.. but now everything changed. Why? I don't know. Later, Sirus walks out the kitchen. " Where is James?' Asking Lily. " Still in the kitchen." Mutters Sirus. Something happend between them. Alice, I and Remus walks to the kitchen. There lay James. He don't move. He was unconscious. " James! Wake up mate!" Yelled Remus. " Remus, he don't wake up. He is unconscious." I said. He nodded. We telled Lily what happend, of course she was very shocked, like us. We bring James to his and Lily's room. Lily was sitting in the chair next to James' bed. Lily holds James' hand. We leave them, to get some time alone. I walked to the living room.
" Hey Sirus." I said, when I saw Sirus looking out the window. " Hey Marlene. How are you?" Said Sirus, still looking out the window. He tried to change the subject. ' Fine. Well... Why are you mad at James?' I asking. " I don't want it to talk about" Said Sirus confused. " Okay... The first rule was: We don't have secerts for each other. Are now going to break your own rules? Very bad Sirus" I said jokingly. ' I will tell you then. But please don't laugh" Said Sirus. I nodded. " Well, i'm feeling betrayed.. James spend so much time with Harry. I'm sick of it! I think he forget me" Said Sirus. " He don't forget you, Sirus." I said strengly. He looked at me, and looks very confused. " I'm asking it , again. Why are you mad at James?' I said, my voice a little bit softly. " i just tell you!" Said Sirus.

"' ...I'm feeling betrayed..."


Oooh Sirus!!   Did you understand now why Sirus mad is at James? I hope so! If you don't know it, you can ask me! Will Sirus tell James why he was so angry?!

Lots of Love ❤️

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