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Harry POV

Ron , Ginny , Neville , Luna, Hermione and I walked to the Great Hall . It's magical . Like always . " i'm so hungry !" Ron says . " Ron! Can you stop think about food?!" Hermione says . " See you later guys" Luna says . " Bye Luna " Neville says . We sit down by the Gryffindor table . " Hey Harry!" I look up , and see Dean Thomas . " Hello Dean , how is your holiday been?" " Good and yours?" I told him about Petunia. " Wow! She hates magic , but loves your father? And that is why she hates your mother?" Dean says . " Yep , it's weird" i answer. " Silence please" Dean and I looked up and we see Dumbledore. " Welcome first years to Hogwarts , and welcome back other students" Dumbledore begins with his speech . He is always doing a speech at the beginning of the year . " We going to live in Dark Times ,  and i know someone don't believe me but it's true , Voldermort is back" I looked at the table of Slytherin ." We only can survived if we make friendship together . Yes , with the different houses . Friendship with Malfoy? No way. I think . " Voldermort don't knows one thing : Love . We have to fight together - " um um . We heard a voice of a women . " good to see you all! I'm sure we going to become good friends ." No way , Dad told me that she working at the Ministry!' Ron says . " I'm Dolores Umbridge , and this year I'm going to teach Defense at the Dark Arts." Really?  SHE??" Ron says. " Ron ! We have to lead the way to Gryffindor room to the First years!" Hermione says.  " Hey you! You stupid toddlers !" Ron says.  " Ron! Respect please! First years : Come to me !" Hermione says.  " Hermione knows everything better , I'm sorry mate" I say . " Shut up Harry" I walked ( alone) to the Gryffindor room. Shit , I don't know the password.  I see Neville. " Hey Neville!  Did you know what the password is?" I asking . " um.... Oh yeah! It was Lion" He answer.  " Come in" The fat lady says . Neville and I walked in . " I'm tired like the hell" I say . I walked upstairs , to the sleeping room . " Hello guys" I say . " Hey Harry! " Dean says.  " Hello" Seamus says. " What happened to you?" I asking. " My mother don't want that I go back to Hogwarts " He says. " Why?" I asked.  " Because you " He answer.  " Did she read yo Daily propet?" " Yes and she thinks that you're a liar" Seamus says. " WHAT?  I'M NOT A LAIR ! VOLDERMORT RETURNS! I SEE IT! YOU HAVE A STUPID MOTHER! " I yell.  " DON'T SAY A WORD ABOUT MY MOTHER POTTER!" Seamus says. " OH YEAH? I CAN SAY EVERTHING ! VOLDERMORT IS BACK! YOUR MOTHER IS STUPID! YOUR MOTHER BELIEVES THAT NEWSPAPER? AND YOU BELIEVE IT TOO?" I yell . " What about you Dean?" I asking ." Guy,  I don't tell it to my parents they're muggles,  Remember?" Dean says.  " Me and my grandma believes Harry" Neville says. " Thanks Neville" I say. " What happened here?" Ron says.  We told him everthing. " I go see ya later" Seamus says. " I don't care" I say. " Goodnight" Ron says. " Night!"

Lily POV

" Well come in!" Molly Weasley says.  " Sirus , how long did you liver here?" I asking . " three months , after Azkaban " He answer.  "Molly , we heard your son , Ron , is best friends with Harry , is that true?" I asking . " Yes! It's true!" Molly says. " We have six boys and one girl" " Bill is the oldest then we have Charlie , Percy,  Fred ,  George , Ron and The youngest : Ginny" Arthur says. " Seven kids?" Merlin beard!" James says. " Did Harry make trouble?" I ask." Yea , many times he haves to go to Dumbledore " Remus says. " Just like his Father" Sirus says , and James smiled to Sirus.  " Why did he makes so many trouble?" I asking . " Because his dad is James Potter,  a his godfather is Sirus Black.  And his second godfather is Remus Lupin . ( in this fanfic is Remus Lupin Harry's godfather too)would be pretty  weird if then I don't break the rules" We heard a calm voice . Then we see Dumbledore.  " Hey Albus!" Sirus says.  " How was your speech?" Good enough" Albus Dumbledore says. Later that evening,  we go to bed. " Jamey?" 'Yes?" " Fine you're still awake . When we go to see Harry?" " Christmas,  Remember? " He answer.  " Sorry I forget it" I say  ' No problem " and then I fall in sleep,  in the strong arms of James.

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