The Funeral

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Third Person POV

After Sirus, Dumbledore was the one that knows about Marlene's death. So when Sirus runs away from Marlene because couldn't look at her anymore, Dumbledore goes the forest with Mcgonagall by his side. When they found her, at first Mcgonagall was shocked. Marlene was one of her favorite students, along with Lily, Alice and The Marauders. Dumbledore suggest to bring Marlene to St.Mungo's, and Mcgonagall agreed. The people in St.Mungo's were shocked too, because most of them don't know that Voldermort is back. That's why Dumbledore tells them that Marlene was mad and killed herself. And of course the funeral. They don't had much time, so the whole Order agreed with that the Funeral will be at June 17th.

James POV
I knocked two times at Sirus' door. We were all still sad about Marlene, but Sirus probably the most. Today it's June 17th. When there is still no answer, I knocked one time again. I understand why Sirus is like this. He lose the love of his life. Well of course, He didn't told us that he was in love with Marlene, but everyone could see that. The way did they look at each other.. The way he laughs at her.. Everthing seemed so perfect between those two. But now? It was over. Marlene is dead, and no one could ever change that. I knocked again, but there was, again, no freaking answer. I opened the door. Sirus was laying in his bed, looking at a picture of him and Marlene.
" Jeez, Sirus get up. Today it's the funeral." I said, looking around at the messy room. " Ugh why should I James?" Asking Sirus, and his eyes slowly opened. " Sirus Orion Black. You get up now, get dressed and stuff. I will see in thirty minutes!" I ordered. With that I leave Sirus alone. I walked to the living room, and saw Lily standing against the wall. She looked simply perfect in a black dress.
" Hey Lils" I greeted my wife. She looked at me, with sadness in her eyes. " How's Sirus?" She asked, as she wrapped her arms around my neck. ' The same. He don't want to get up" I said, smiling. I looked in her eyes and leaned down for a kiss. She closed her eyes, and our lips connected. It was simple, maybe with a bit of sadness but it was simple. Just like how I like it. We pulled away after five seconds.
" Be strong, Lily. This wound will take a long time to heal, you can't hide that. But please stay strong, Lily. Those times are coming back. That's a fact, but remember Marlene is in a better place now. Without war, without hate, only love and peace." I said, when I saw that Lily crying again. She nodded and walked away. I was standing there alone, in a cold home. Until I felt an hand on my shoulder. At first, I was a bit suprised. But when I saw who it was, I calmed down.
" Oh hey Remus. Didn't see you at all. Ready for today?" I'm trying to be positive, but that's very hard. " Yes I guess. Is Lily ready too?" Asked Remus. " Yes I suppose. When are we going?" I said. " I dunno. If everyone is ready" Said Remus. " So you know it!" I said jokingly. Remus just rolled his eyes.
Then we heard someone coming from upstairs. His brown hair was in model, he looked extremely healthly, and he was even smiling. Although, she wasn't feeling happy. The most people couldn't see that. But I could. His eyes were wihout a sparkle, and the way he talks, I heard that he was still sad. Everyone is. After we heard the news, Lily and Alice started to cry. And Remus didn't talk for the rest of the night. Neither did I. ' Okay is everyone ready?" Said Alice. Everyone nodded and we make our walk to the forest. The whole ride was silent. Everyone was in black. Someone takes my hand, and I let her. Of course I know who it was. Lily.
When we arrived in the woods, we saw a couple of students standing. Hermione.. Fred and George... Ginny... Ron and even Harry.
' Hey Dad." He greeted me. " Hey Harry. Did you hear it?" I said. He only nodded. Before I realized it, Harry hugged me.
I will always protect you Harry. Did you know that? I thought. I kissed his forehead, and walked to Sirus and Alice, who were talking. Finally, the funeral begins. I, Sirus and couple of another mens carriers the coffin. I could see the the tears in Sirus' eyes. After the coffin been buried, the speeces begun.
I was the first one.
' Marlene Mckinnion. She was simply amazing. We had knowing each other since we were very young. The age exactly, I couldn't remember. But what I could Remember, it was the fact that she was a fighter. When we were eleven years old, we both goes to Hogwarts. She goes her own way, but we never lose the connection. And now, when I realized that one of best friends is death, I think it's better for her. She had lose her husband and child, and that isn't simple. For everyone. She wasn't happy. I could see that, Marlene however didn't show it. But I could see that. So... Marlene Mckinnion, rest in peace." Everyone applaus. Somebody stood up, to comfort me. Alice was the next one.
" Marlene, or I called her Mar. Just like James Potter, we had meeted each other when we were young. At a age of eight or nine. She goes with me to Hogwarts. We meeted Lily Evans, and we become best friend with her. I remember her as a smart, brave and funny women. She understood people. She knows when they needed something. Or not. Marlene Mckinnion, is in a better place now. Rest in Peace" Said Alice, and everyone applaus again. She walked to her chair, next to Lily. Sirus stood up.
' Marlene was a beautiful person. We meeted each other in the first year at Hogwarts. At first, we didn't talk to each other. I just only know her name. She thought I was annoying. I thought she was a drama queen. In our earlier years, we totally hated each other. But I had always know that Marlene had something special. That's why I loved her. She was my girlfriend from the end of the sixth year until the seventh year. After we broke up, we always were close. I saw her lifeless body laying in the woods. I couldn't save her. And I'm sorry. Sorry for everyone who is sitting here." The speech of Sirus ended. And for the first time, I was in tears. The funeral ended soon, and when everyone goes to home, I looked for Sirus.
" Sirus. Come let's go to home." I said when I founded him.
" It was my fault. I should save her" Sirus mutterd. " It wasn't." I said shortly. And then, Sirus hugged me tight and cried on my shoulder. We both stood there, silent and thinking about Marlene.
I will always remember you Marlene. Always.



Hola! How are you all??? I hope great. My grandfather turned 80 friday, and they live far away so I spend four days there!😉

lots of Love ❤


James and lily returned from The DeathNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ