The lessons

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Hermione POV

I remember what Remus says at the Daigon Alley. The fifth year Is horrible. Let see it! of course , I read something about the fifth year . The exams are really important. You have to choose your job after Hogwarts. You have many homework. Okay, it's sounds a little bit horrible. Then my alarm goes . I brush my teeth, Look for my clothes, and walked to the Great Hall. I see Ron and Harry. " Hello there you are" I say. " Did you screening for us?" Harry says. " No , it's was not difficult to find you two" I say. " Okay". " yesterday , When we go to sleep Seamus and Harry yelled to each other. Seamus don't believe Harry. He believes to Daily Propet." Ron says. " Yea , Lavender thinks the same" I say. " Did you talk about that?" Harry says with a angry voice. " Harry calm down please" Ron says. " Why did people don't believe me?" Harry asking us." I have no idea Harry" I say. " Maybe they don't want to believe you! " Ron says. " That's possible" I say. " Ron, Here are your lesson schedule " Fred says. " Oh no!" Ron says. Harry and get the same schedule as Ron. My schedule is not so well:

9.00: History of Magic
11.30: Potions.
12.30: Lunch
13.00: Defense at the Dark Arts
13.30: Arithmancy
14.30: Muggle studies

" Well this is a short day!' I say." Umbridge and Snape on one day!' Harry and Ron says. " Come we go to History of Magic" i say . History of Magic is sometimes boring . I think the boys don't like it . Well, i don't care.

Harry POV

Blehh, History of Magic! It's always boring . But Hermione knows everthing , so i can asking things after the lesson. "Come we go to History of Magic" Hermione says. We walked to the class. " Hello , sit down" The Professor says. Me and the other classmates sit down . It's about a Goblin war in 1365 ... I fell in sleep. I'm on the Ministry.. I run through a corridor. Three doors.. but the middle one... something happened with that door. I run to that door. 5 steps away.. 4 ... 3... 2...1.. " Harry! Wake up!" Hermione says . ' It's about the Goblin war in 1365" She says. " Yes I know" I say. " How long was I sleeping?" I asked to Hermione." I think 30 minutes but i'm not sure" She says. " Finally it's over!" Dean says. Then the hole class walked out the classroom. " It's boring like always' Ron says. " True" I say." Sometimes it's really interesting " Hermione says. " Sometimes , for you yes" I say. Ron and I looked at each other and then laughed. " I don't want to be late!" Hermione says and she running away. " Transfigurtion is right and goes to the left side!" Ron says. " Well, Come on! We have to run if we don't want it to be late" I say. We running to the classroom. " Exactly the time , Mister Potter and Weasley go sit down". " Where is Miss Granger?" Mcgonagall says. " We don't know" Ron and I says. After transfigurtion, Ron and I are looking for Hermione. " Maybe she is in the Gryffindor room " Ron says. " Ron! Of course!" I say. We running to the fat lady. " Lion" I say. " Come I come in" The Fat lady says. Ron and I walked into the Gryffindor room. We see Hermione. " Bloody hell Hermione! Where have you been?" Ron says. " Uh? Oh no! I forget my book for Muggle studies. I found it here and I fell in sleep . Because I was tired" Hermione says. " It's okay , come we have to go to potions" I say. When we walked to the dungeons, Hermione says:" What did I miss?" " Transfigurtion " I say . " What? I have to go to Mcgonagall" Hermione says. " Yes , but after potions" Ron says. ' 5 points from Gryffindor!" Snape says. After potions and the Lunch, we go to Defense at the Dark Arts. "Welcome everbody" Umbridge says. " We beginning with the lesson." She says. Everyone grabs his wand. " No no, no wands" Umbridge says. "Only the books" Everyone grabs the book for The Defense at the Dark Arts. " Read chapter 1". " Yes, miss Granger?" Umbridge says. " We have to protect us self" Hermione says. " No , who want to hurt you?" " Oh I don't know maybe Lord Voldermort?" I say. The class is shocked. Okay, I understand that . " One week detention Mister Potter" Professor Umbridge says. Why?! I only tell the truth!! I think. ". I heard this students having lessons from a dangerous men??" Umbridge says. " DID YOU MEAN REMUS LUPIN? WELL HE WAS ONE OF MY FATHER'S BEST FRIENDS! AND HE IS ALSO MY GODFATHER." I yell . I'm angry . " Oh , is that men your godfather? Your parents don't have to much choose then. " Umbridge says with a evil smile . It's looks like a sweet smile but in my eyes it's a evil smile . " now read chapter 1" the professor says . I read chapter 1 . But I can't remember one word. I'm can only think about the relationship between Remus and my parents . Sirus says that i really look like my father . Many people says that .

Remus POV

I waking up . Yesterday Lily and James come to us . They are member of the Order but like Sirus . Sirus , Lily and James don't go to outside . That's too dangerous . Sirus because many people think that he is a killer .And people think that James and Lily are dead. Harry too. And I don't go to outside too because people knows that i'm a werewolf . Well , Sirius and James would say now: " Remus you think too much" . ' SIRUS ORION BLACK!" " WHY DID YOU MAKE MY HAIR BLUE?" That's Lily. " Lily calm down it's was only a prank" Sirus says . " you never grow up" Lily says . " How did you know my second name?' Sirus asking , probably to Lily. " Marlene , she told me your second name" Lily says . " James wake up " Lily says . " MOONY!! WAKE UP!!" Sirus yells . He opened the door . " Come you sleepy werewolf" Sirus says . " SHUT UP SIRUS!' I say . Now the Marauders are together . James , Sirus and I : The best prankers of the time .

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