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Lily POV

I just never realised that only the Order knows that James and I are alive. But James and I are going to Hogsmeade today. For the Daily Propet, to show that we're alive. I hope that people who reads it, no going to be flipped or something else. And of course,  James is still sleeping. " James, dear, you have to wake up" I said. " Hmm" Said James. " JAMES NOW! TODAY WE GO TO HOGSMEADE REMEMBER?!" I started to yell. " Okay okay.  calm down. Just please five minutes" Said James. " Okay then. I will see you in five minutes. Downstairs!" I said and walked away. I walked downstairs. The black doors and walls are not so dirty when we come, but it's still not clean. " Lily! There you are! Where is James?' Asking Molly. " Goodmorning Molly. James comes in five minutes" I said. " Are you sure?' Asking Tonks, whose hair was blue today. " Not really. When we go to Hogsmeade?' Said I. " In two hours. Tonks and Moody will go with you." Said Arthur. Then James comes downstairs. " Finally!" Said Alice. " Is Harry still sleeping?" Asking James. " Probably. Remus and Sirus are also sleeping I suppose" Said Marlene. " James, Lily , you have to make you ready after breakfast." Said Molly. Then Sirus and Remus comes downstairs. " Goodmorning you all" Said Remus. " Goodmorning " Said James with a yawn. " Come James. We have to make us ready" I said. " Coming" Said James. We walked upstairs. We heard one voice, probably Ron, in Harry's room. " Nah one minute Ron! It's holiday remember?" We heard Harry. " Yeah I know. One minute? I knew you Harry. When I'm leaving this room , you are going to sleep again." Said Ron. James and I looked at each other
Typical a son of the Marauders.

When we get dressed,  I brush my teeth. After that, we walked to living to the living room. " Good luck Lils" Said Marlene , she hugged me. Marlene was my first friend in Gryffindor. She is not very shy, and sometimes a little  bit arrogant. And she always makes me laugh. Alice and her were friends before Hogwarts, so that's how I meet Alice. She was in the first Order of the Phoenix too, but her husband, John, and her daughter, Hope, were murdered.During her Hogwarts career, she was a couple with Sirus. They started to date in the sixth year, but broke up in seventh year. That's why James and Remus makes jokes about them. Hope was one year older than Harry.
James and I arrived in Hogsmeade with Tonks and Moody. " They want to speak you two in the Three Butterbeers." Said Moody. " Alright then. Should we go Lily?" Said James. " I will love to James. Are you coming with us?" I asking to Tonks and Moody." Yes. We have to protect you. Order from Dumbledore" Said Tonks. We walked to the Three Butterbeers. The people in Hogsmeade looks to us. I know what they mean. I mean, how weird would it be when you see people who you think that they are dead?! " Lily! James! What?? Are you... alive?"  Said Madam Rosmertra
" Yup. And we don't want to explain it.' Said James. Madam Rosmertra looks a little bit confused. James and I going to sit down. Then the Daily Propet comes in. " Hello. I'm William. We're here to listen to your story. What happend at that tragic night, and after." Said a man, named William.


Believe it or not, James and Lily Potter, who died at Halloween 1981, are returned from the dead. Now, they are going to tell the story.

James: "It's was Halloween 1981. I was playing with my son Harry , and it's was late so Lily brings him to bed. I heard the door. I know it's was him, Voldermort. I forget my wand. I yelled to Lily, who was upstairs with Harry. The door opened and I heard a evil laugh. Then I heard ' AVADA KREDAVA!" and everything turn into blackness.

Lily:I run upstairs with Harry. I was very scared to lose him. I know that our family were going to be broken. I heard that James was dead, and I started to cry. I grab Harry and set him in his crib. " Harry be safe.. be strong.. Harry mummy loves you... Dada loves you... With that the door opened and I saw him again. " move!" Said Voldermort. " No! Take me inside!" I said. And I heard " AVADA KREDAVA!" too. Everything turn into blackness.


James: " I don't know. I wake up in a grave. I was hoping that Lily was alive too. I found her, crying. She said that Harry was dead. And of course,  I don't believe it. We walked to our old home, and found Dumbledore. We explain him everthing. He said he will found a home for us. Dumbledore said also that Harry was alive"

Lily: " I was very happy when I heard that. We asked Dumbledore many things. What Harry likes for example. We go to Hogwarts. Because we missed a lot of things that we have to know. And , I also really don't know how we come back"

This was their story. And they're alive, James and Lily Potter, the parents of the Boy who Lived!

' So thanks for interview guys. It will be published in a week, probably. I'm happy to see you alive" Said William. He walked away. " Well, he was nice. Nicer than others I suppose" I said. James nodded.
" The interview is done? Well, we can't stay here." Said Tonks. " Okay." Said James. " You are the niece of Sirus, right?" Asking I to Tonks. " Yes. He is the nicest nephew" Said Tonks. I nodded. Soon we return at Grimmauld Place 12. " Lils! Everthing was going well? I hope so" Said Alice. " Yes. It will be published in a week" I said. " Nice!" Said Marlene, who standing next to Alice. " I suppose the dinner is ready"   Said Remus. " You are only thinking about food. Aren't you?" Asking James. Remus smiled. It's was okay now. I a week, everyone was going to know that me and James are alive.

James and lily returned from The DeathWhere stories live. Discover now