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Harry POV

Today it's 31 October. Helloween. The day that my parents died, the day I became ' The boy who lived' . " Goodmorning mate" Ron says. " Goodmorning you too" I say. " Come. Should we go to the Great Hall?" Ron asking. " Yes of course. Let's go!" I say. When Ron and I walked downstairs, we see Hermione. She was sitting in a chair , reading. " Oh hello guys! Should we go?" Hermione says. " Of course Hermione.' Ron says. " Harry you looks sad. What happend?" Hermione asking, when we walked to the Great Hall. " It's Just my parents..... It's fourteen years ago, did they Voldermort murdered them" I say. " Oh Harry..... I feel sorry for you" Hermione says. " It's okay Hermione." I said. " Come, we have to Charms!" Ron says. We walked to the Charms classroom. " Sit down and practice the Accio charm" Filius Flitwick says. " Accio book!" I say. A book comes to me, last year I practice it a lot. " Come , come guys again!" Flitwick says. " Accio book!" I say again. " homework for the next time : practice the Accio charm" Filius Flitwick says. We walked out the classroom. " Ugh! Umbridge again" I say. " We are going to survive it" Ron says. " Of course mate" I said. " Potter, I want that you go with me" Umbridge says. " W-what? Okay" I say. We walked to a room, with many kittens on the wall. It's all pink. " I forget that you have divination , but here you are. I want that you write: 'I must tell not lies' Umbridge says. I write it. Then I feel pain in my right hand.why did she do this to me?I think. Then I realised that I don't write it with ink, but with my own blood. " Let me see it Potter" I hold out my hand and show it her. " Ah ah. Tomorrow come back" Umbridge says. " Okay" I said. When I walked back to the Gryffindor room, I see Ron and Hermione , making homework by the fireplace. " Hello. Did we have many homework from Umbridge?" I asking Ron. " No not really. We have a essay from Snape and Mcgonagall. We have to practice the Accio charm. And we have another essay from Umbridge!" Ron said. " Don't forget the dreams from Trelawney" I said ." Yep. I totally forget that" Ron said. " Well, let's go to the Halloween meal!" Hermione said. We walked downstairs to the Great Hall for the Halloween meal. "Hey Ron! How is your day been?' We looked up, and see Fred and George. " Hello , Fred and George. It's a good day thank you. How is your day?' Hermione said " Fine." George said. Hey Harry! On 5th november we playing our first quidditch match of the season! Excited to play again?' Fred said. " Of course. I want to beat Malfoy" i siad, and looked to the Slytherin table. " Ah! Finally! I'm straving!" Ron said, when the food arrived on the talbes. " Ron! Can you stop think about eating?' Hermione asking to Ron. " sorry Hermione . But i'm very hungry ..." Ron said." Oh yeah Ron! I want to ask that: how is the fifth year? Horrible? A nightmare?' Fred asking. " Yeah. It's horrible!We have many homework." Ron said. " Poor you three. Well, see you later! We going to Leo!' George said. And then walked away. I scoop poptatoes with a sausage, and start to eat. On one moment a ghosts of the school, coming in the Great Hall. I see the first years, they look all schoked. After the meal, Hermione , Ron and I go back to the Gryffindor room. We sitting by the fireplace. " Harry! What do you have on your righthand?!' Hermione asking. " U-Uh nothing Hermione. It's nothing to worried about." I said.  "Oh please Harry don't lie to us!" Hermione said . She takes my hand and rolled up my sleeve . It's says i must not tell lies . " Harry.. What happend by Umbridge?' Hermione asking , with a worrierd sound in her voice. I tell them what happend by Umbridge. " Harry, you have to the Dumbledore . I swear this is against the rules! Tell him, what you telled us now." Ron said. " No Ron. He has to many things on his mind. I'm NOT going to Dumbledore" i said. " Well, we have make a beginning with our homework. Let's started with... Maybe Potions?' I asking them, to change the subjet. after boring homework we go to our sleeproom, and fall in sleep.

I'm on the Ministry. I run in a corridor. Six doors... But there is something with the middelst one. I'm 5 steps away.. 4...3...2..1.

And i wake up.

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