4 . Sirius and Remus

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Sirus POV

Is this a joke ? No.... James and Lily are dead . I look at James . he glasses are same with Harry . Then I look at Lily ... her green eyes.. she was always so lovely . Remus looks shocked too. ' w-what? This can't real!  Lily and James are dead!' Remus said . Did he believed it? 'Maybe we're not dead' 'JAMES AND LILY ARE DEAD ! REMUS DON'T TRUST THEM! ' I scream . My heartbeat going fast . James has tears in his eyes. ' Sirius , you don't understand it ' Lily said . 'I UNDERSTAND IT ! YOU'RE DEATH EATERS THAT ARE DISGUISED AS JAMES AND LILY POTTER! ' I walked to the door but he is locked . 'Sirius , maybe they are real ' Remus said . ' Thanks Remus' James said . He looks at me. " if you don't trust us , go away " James said.

" NO POTTER!" Lily said. " Lily?" James?" Remus says with a smile on his face . " Lily?" I said . " PRONGS??" PADFOOT???" I run to James and give him a big hug with tears in my eyes . " I c - can't believe this " I said . " It's true " James said. I'm so happy right now... I GOT MY BEST FRIEND BACK YAAA!! . I see Remus and Lily. They are their rolling with their eyes. James and I smiled to each other. " You never changed James" Remus said. " And you too Lily" . We looked at Dumbledore. " I think that's true Remus" and then we laughed. " Moony , you gave Harry lessons on Hogwarts? " James said. " Yes , he likes the Dark arts" Remus says . " Not the potions? " Lily said.  Remus laughed. " Of course not!" " If you're the son of James Potter and the godson of Sirius Black then it would be pretty weird when you likes potions " Remus says. " Why?" James says . " Snape gives the lessons" " WHAT? ?? ARE THEY CRAZY? ?? James yells . " I can't understand why Snape is a teacher " I said . " Oh yeah , Black? " I heard a deep voice beside me . Snape. " Hey Snape! " James said. " Oh don't be so optimistic, Potter" Why?" James said . " Your son Harry , is lazy and arrogant like you " Snape said . I look at James and then at Lily . She looks angry . " ONE WORD ABOUT MY SON AND YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!" She yells. James , Remus and I are shocked . Did Lily Evans says that? " You don't understand it, Lily " . " What you tell is not true Severus, Harry is a nice boy with the sweetness of Lily " Dumbledore said . " That's true " Remus and I says . " Harry is a good boy , he reminds me always James , but he has a perfect heart" Remus says . " One word about my godson Snape , and you never celebrate your birthday " I said . ' Shut up , Black" Snape said. " Dumbledore, can I  speak to you now?" Severus said. " No , I have to speak with these people "

Remus POV
Woah.... James and Lily are alive.... first I don't believe it but when Lily says " No Potter" I believe it. She says that so many times. Of course, Sirus  was running to James and give him a big hug. " Sit down Guys" . We sitting down. " James and Lily heard about Harry's history on Hogwarts " Dumbledore said. " I think James and Lily  are having a lot of questions " " First , does he play quidditch? " James asked. Sirius and I started to laugh.  " Yes , he is better than you" I  said.. " How did you know that? " James asking . " He was a teacher on Hogwarts, Remember? " Lily said. " Uh Dumbledore James and Lily 's house is broken , so can they live in my house?" Sirus says with his puppy eyes. " Oh yeah Sirus, they can , but I don't want to heard that you and James are making trouble " Dumbledore said . Sirius and James looked at each other. " We never make trouble! " James said. " YES YOU'RE RIGHT! " Lily and I said. Sirius and James smiled . " One thing : Harry wil probably see you  when it's  Christmas " Dumbledore said. " Prongs , promise me one thing " I said . " Everything guys" Don't leave us again" Sirus and I said . " never!" Lily and James says.

Lily ' s POV
I'm really happy for James... He got his best friends back. Marlene and Alice ... They were my best friends when I was on Hogwarts. Will they believe it? That we're back? Maybe . Alice believed everything. Marlene did not. " Harry is brave" I said . " I know ' James said I kiss him on his cheek. He laughed. " When is Christmas? " James said . " In December " I said. " Lily , I know, but how many days till Christmas? " 67" I said . " You know everything " James said. We laughed and we walked back home.

James and lily returned from The DeathWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu