The old home of the Potters

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James POV
Today I have suprise for Harry. I'm not sure if he liked it, but we're going to my old house, where I was born, and growing up. I remember the three house elves. Blimey, Mickey and Dory. Blimey is the oldest, then Mickey and then Dory. Before my death, i come back sometimes. And always when i come there, the house elves was there. But then i feel something wet on my face. A black dog. And you guess who. " Padfoot! Get off me!' Said I. But Padfoot still licking my face. " Sirus... Get off James" Said Lily. Padfoot finally doing what we ask. " You listen to Lily and not to me?!' Said I. The black dog nodded. I take shower, and get dressed. We walked downstairs and see Sirus, who was a normal person. And there was Harry... Who was talking with the Twins. " Goodmorning Harry!' Said I. " Goodmorning Dad" Said Harry. " Did you have a nice sleep?" Asking I. " Yeah. And you?' Asking Harry. " Yes! Until a black dog started to licking my face" Said I. Harry laughed. "SIRIUUUUSSS!" Said Harry. ' HAAARRRYY!" Yelled Sirus back." Why the hell did you licked my father's face?!" Asking Harry. Sirus laughed. " That's a thing between James and me" Said Sirus. Harry nodded. " Harry, when you was a baby, sometimes i visits my old home. Did you liked it to come with me? I mean.. Visits my old home?' Asking I. " Yes! I will love to" Said Harry. " Really? Oh that's nice!' Said i. " We have to leave soon then." Said Harry. " Hello Lils!" Said I. " Hey James and Harry. What are you going to do today?" Asking Lily. " We're going to my old home. Just checking how The House Elves are" I said. ' Oh! That seems nice!" Said Lily. After breakfast, Harry and I are going to my old house. " Please be careful sweetheart. It's very cold outside" Said Lily to Harry. " i will mum." Said Harry. " should we go then?' I asked. " Sure" Harry replied. " Prongs, please be careful. We know you won't believe us, but we don't want to lose you again. Remember our promise" Said Sirus. " Hey buddy, of course i'm careful! What do you think?' I said. " we're serious" Said Remus. I rolled my eyes. " Well, let's go!"Said Harry. Soon we arrived at my old home. " Woah. Was this your home?' Asking Harry. " Yes. Did you like it?" Asking I. " Yea! It's very big.. Oh my god" Said Harry. we get into the house. Harry is speechless. Then we heard small, but loud, voices. Harry and I walked into the living room. " Master......... Has come back.... After 14 years...." Dory whispers. " Yup... Here i am" I said. Dory hugged me, her small hands around my legs. Dory has always been the smallest of the three. Her eyes are full with tears. Then she saw Harry. " Master has a son... A handsome son.... A little master" Said Dory, with that she walked to Harry. She hugged him too. " Dory? Where are the others?' I asked. " They're upstairs Master" Said Dory. " I will get them if you want!' Said Dory, who seems happier then ever. Dory walked upstairs, and Harry and I walked to the kitchen. I look at a picture of me, my dad and my mum. Charles Potter, my dad, has the same eyes as I, and wearing glasses. Victoria Potter, my mum, has the same black hair as i and Harry. She always has a bright smile. Both my parents knows about Remus. Remus told me that he was scared that parents don't want that i and Remus become friends. But they loved Remus as a son, and really cared about him. Sirus. Sirus' parents are full blood, and they hated it when Sirus comes in Gryffindor. My parents adopts him as a son. And i'm sure that they loved Harry. " Dad? Where are you looking at?' Asking Harry. " Um.. Just a picture of me and my parents" I said.
" Master! Master! Dory told us that you are back!'yelled Mickey. " Yes i am, Mickey. Good to see you" I said. She hugged me,and i hugged her back. She looked at Harry . " Master has a son. Master has a son. Master has a son" She mutters. All the time, Blimey has spoke no word. Blimey from me to Harry. " Master comes back... After all this years...." Said Blimey. His water blue eyes, meet my hazel ones. " What did you want master? Food? Something to drink?' Asking Dory. " Uh... We need something to lunch. Harry?' I asked. " i'm agree with dad. We need something to lunch. But i want to help you if i can" Said Harry. " no! No! Little master have to relax with master. We will make the lunch" Said Mickey. Harry and I walked to the big living room. We sit down on the seat. " So Harry. We know your history at hogswarts  can you tell some details?' I asking. " Sure. I was very suprised when i found out that i was a wizard. I meet Ron and Hermione on the train ride, and i meet my enemy Malfoy too. In my second year, i heard things that no one can heard. And things are written on the wall. It's was very creepy. In my last year, i go with the Weasleys to the Quidditch World champions. We saw the Dark Mark, and there all begins. At the end of the year, my and Credic Diggory fight against Voldermort. Credic dies, but i was still alive.i telled to Dumbledore, and Dumbledore informerend the Order"  Said Harry. He had tears in his eyes. I opened my arms and he walked in. I kissed him on his forehead. Dory walked in.
" is something wrong with little master?" Asking Dory. " nothing to worrierd about, Dory. Is the lunch ready?' Asking I. " Yes master" Said Dory." Come Harry." Said I. We walked to the kitchen. After lunch, we walked to garden. The garden is white, like every Chtistmas. " Dad, i told you about my history. But what was yours? Okay, i know that you had a talent for trouble, and likes quidditch. But what about my grandparents?' Asking Harry. " your grandparents Victoria and Charles Potter were both aurors. Charles had a great talent for trouble. Victoria however, had a great talent for chooking. She always loved the house elves. They were both Gryffindors. And they died... One day after our wedding day. I'm sure that they loved you Harry" I said. It's feels weird to talk about your dead parents, because they were always so close to me. " They seems nice dad. And so my grandpa has a great talent for trouble? Well,that can be true" Said Harry.  After two snowballfights, making three snowmens, and thanked the house elves, we return to Grimmauld Place 12. " Ah! There you are! Sit down sit down, you must be hungry." Said Molly. " no thank you Molly. We're not hungry. The house elves gives us many food. But thank you" Said I. " House elves?" Asking Hermione with a angry tone. Harry was trying not to laugh. " Yeah! Of course, every wizard family has a house elves" Said I. " Wait, the names were : Blimey, Mickey and Dory, right?' Asking Sirus. " Yep" Said Harry. Is was late in the afternoon, so soon after we arrived we go back to our room. And in sleep. It's was a long day, but it's was nice to see my the house elves back.

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