chapter 9: How Georgia Fount Out About Being A Vampire

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Chapter 9

Georgia's pov...

I can't believe this is happening. How could this actually happen? I wanted to be in the group with niall, but no, they had to go and put him with the other boys. Oh well, at least I'm with my girls and isabelle. There's something fishy going on with her and I'm going to figure out first.

Right now, I'm lying on my bed with my boy, watching victorious. Its so funny because when the intro song comes on, he has to sing to it. Its so funny but also so cute at the same time.

Questions ran through my head as I laid here in his arms. What would he have done if he didn't find me that day? How would I be now if he didn't find me? You see, there's a lot to me that you don't know.


It was my 18th birthday and like any other day it was a school day. As you can tell, I didn't want to go. I tried my hardest to get out of going but it was no use, my parents were forcing me to go to school.

There, I laid in my bed thinking about how rubbish this birthday was going to be. Finally, after 10 minutes of debating whether or not to get out of bed, I did. I walked over to my wardrobe to pick a white vest top, black knitted jumper, my plum coloured skinny jeans and my black all star converse, since its still winter. I applied some make-up before making my way downstairs. When I reached downstairs, my mom, dad and sister rushed over to me to greet me in happy birthday hugs. My mom was first, then my 15 year old sister then finally my dad. I was feeling good about today. Nothing was going to get in my way.

I was at school, doing my normal, boring lessons. We had 5 minutes until the bell went to let us know it was home time. All the students weren't really listening to the teacher and he knew we wasn't as well but he carried on talking while we all stares at the clock. Yes!

'10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0'

As soon as I said 0 the bell went and everyone jumped out their chairs and started to run towards the gate. Me being me, I decided to walk to the gate. When I reached the gate, I decided to take the short cut and walk through the forest.

As I entered the forest, I couldn't help but feel the fear building up inside of me as I felt like someone was watching me. I sped walk through the forest. I was walking for what seemed like hours when I was pushed up against a tree by someone. I didn't know my eyes were fully closed until I opened them. I saw a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. Behind him stood another four boys. One was tanned, he had black hair and brown eyes. Next to him was a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. Next was a boy with brown, curly hair and emerald green eyes. Finally, there was a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He was so beautiful.

"Look at what we have here boys?" The one pinning me to the tree, "a girl, all by herself. Looks like we've fount our dinner for tonight."

"W-what? D-dinner?"

"Yeah, you see, we lost our other meal, so now were going to eat you. Shame really, your a pretty girl." Curly said.

"Woah! Why can't you do this to someone else? I've done nothing wrong?" I said, pushing the lad who was pinning me down, off me. He looked at me in shock.

"Well, you smell delicious so we want you." Curly said again before speeding over to me, making me tumble to the ground. He pulled me up and moved my hair to the other side. With one swift movement, he bit into my neck and I screamed. He pulled away with confusion.

"What's up haz?" The black hair guy asked.

"Nothing came out?"

"What do you mean nothing came out?" The brown haired and eyed boy said.

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