chapter 19: Emily Finds Her Mate

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"Anyone know what to do?" Ellie asked.

"I don't know what to do but I know who will..." Liam said.


Chapter 19

Liam's pov...

"I don't know what to do but I know who will..." I said.

"Who liam?" Isabelle asked me.

"She's a good friend of mine and I believe she would be a big part in this."

"Okay then."

"Do you want me to call her?"

"Yes please, we need all the help we can get."

"Okay then, I'll go and ring her."

I left the room and looked through my contacts on my phone. When I got to the certain one, I clicked the call button. After three rings, she picked up.

L - Liam...

A - Anonymous...

A - Liam? What's wrong?

L - I need a big favour!

A - Sure, what's up?

L - Its emily...

A - Emily! What's wrong with her? Is she dead?

L - Oh no, no, no... But she's close to being dead though.

A - Why, what's happened or happening to her.

L - Isabelle thinks that--

A - Isabelle? Whose isabelle?

L - Harry's girlfriend, now shush so I can tell you what's happening.

A - Oh okay, sorry. Carry on.

L - Okay, well, as I was saying, isabelle thinks that it has something to do with her mate being missing or dead?

A - So? What do you want me to do about it?

L - Your auntie once did a spell on a man by the name P. Maynard, am I correct?

A - Yeah? But what has that got to do with me?

L - Your a witch too. We need your help bringing emily's mate back to her so she can be happy again and not a gloomy person like she is now.

A - What spell did my aunt use on that P. Maynard person?

L - I don't know? I'll check hang on?

A - Okay.

"Hey isabelle, what was the spell the witch used on P. Maynard?"

"Erm... Caris ferens a mortuis. Why?"

"Just wondering."

L - She used the spell Caris Ferens A Mortuis.

A - *gasps* that spell only works on the rare number of people. That spell doesn't always work on everyone, only certain people.

L - So what your saying is that the spell your aunt used, might not work on emily.

A - Do you know what that spell means?

L - No?

A - It means Bringing The Loved Ones Back From The Dead.

L - Oh.

A - Yeah... If the person isn't dead, the spell won't work and it won't work if she's not one of the certain peoples either.

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