chapter 2: Meeting The Idiotic Bad Boy's Friends

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Chapter 2

Isabelle's pov...

*the next day*

I couldn't be bothered with school today. I know what's going to happen anyway if I do. I'll get hit on again by harry like yesterday. What is up with him though? I mean, why does he want me? There are a lot of girls I could see that were swooning over him. He must be a popular in the school.

"Hunnii, come on, your going to be late for school."


"Okay! I'll be down in a minute." With that, I got changed into a black thin jumper, dark skinny jeans and my brown boots. I did my hair, added some mascara and walked down stairs.

"Come on nicky! Let's go! Bye mom!"

"Bye sweetie! I'll be at work when you get back from school so don't do anything stupid okay!"

"Okay mom! I won't! See you later! Love you!"

"Bye sweeties! I love you both too!" With that, we left for school.

As we entered the school, someone slipped their arm over my shoulder. I looked to where the arm was coming from and I literally just threw up in my mouth. It was harry.

"Hey baby! I missed you yesterday." He whispered in my ear.

"Guess what! I didn't, now leave me alone!" I shouted at him, shrugged his arm off my shoulder and stormed off.

"You'll fall for me some day! And I'll be waiting for that day!" He shouted to me.

"That's gonna be never!" I shouted back.

With that, I stormed off out of sight. Quickly, I pulled out my timetable to find out where I was first. Music. YAY! One of my favourite lessons! I made my way to the classroom only to be bumped into someone. I knocked the person's books and papers out their hands. Quickly, I knelt down and helped the person pick their stuff up. I stood up only to be met with a girl. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a grey thin jumper, light blue skinny jeans and white all star pumps. Her make-up was layered on naturally. She was really pretty.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you!" She exclaimed, taking the papers out of my hands.

"Its okay, it was my fault for not looking where I was going." I said with a smile.

"I'm ellie." She said, holding out her hand.

"Isabelle." I said, shaking her hand.

"I haven't seen you around here before?"

"That's because I'm new. I only came yesterday."

"Oh, do you have any friends yet?" She asked.

"No not yet." I answered.

"Well now you do! Would you like to come with me and meet my friends?"

"Ermmm... Sure, thankyou."

"No problem, where are you now?"


"Oh my god! Same! Let's go, you'll get to meet my friends and their boyfriends now." She said with a genuine smile.

"Okay then." I said with a smile back.

Once we entered the room, we walked over to a group of people in the corner. There were four girls and five boys. They all looked quite nice. The boys looked oddly familiar but I can't think where I've seen them?

"Hi, you must be isabelle? I'm eleanor."

"Hi eleanor, yes I'm isabelle. Isabelle edwards."

"Oh my god! My last name is edwards too!" Said a girl with blonde hair, sitting next to a boy with a black quiff.

"Oh, that's cool!" I said with a smile.

"Let me show you the others." She said with a cheeky grin.


"Well, this is louis, he's my boyfriend. Has been for 2 years now. Next is perrie and her boyfriend zayn. They've been together for about a year or two on and off. Then there is georgia and her boyfriend niall. They've been together for 6 months. Next is liam and his girlfriend lucy. They've been together for 8 months. Finally, we have ellie and her boyfriend george. They've been together for a year last week. They make such a cute couple." She said, pointing to everyone in the group. I felt so left out! Everyone had someone to love.

"Awe, but babe, we make a cute couple too. Don't you think?" Eleanor's boyfriend, louis, asked me.

"Yeah, you all do, I wish I had a boyfriend." I said back.

"Your single? I'm shocked. I mean, no offence babe but you isabelle are beautiful! How the hell are you single? Eleanor is the most beautiful girl I have ever met but you are also beautiful too. Oh, and I'm louis by the way." He said, putting his arms around eleanor's waist, standing behind her and putting his chin on her shoulder.

"Awe thankyou louis, and I know she is. She's really beautiful. And I'm isabelle." I said.

"Awe thankyou babe! But your beautiful too. Anyway, there's one of us missing. Were waiting for him to turn up." She said.

"Oh okay."

"Hey mate." Louis said to someone behind me.

"Hey." The person said. I froze! I knew that voice from anywhere. It was my worst nightmare.


"Whose this?" He said from behind me. Swiftly, I turned around to face him. He's frown soon turned into a smirk. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Harry, this is isabelle." Louis said to harry, who still had that stupid smirk on his lips. I just want to slap that off his face.

"Isabelle, this is harry. This is the other person who we were talking about earlier. The one when we said he was missing out of our group." Eleanor said.

"Oh, I know who she is. We've already met." He said to them, sending a wink heading my way.


"Is that true isabelle?" Ellie asked?

"Yeah! He tried his hardest to get me to fall for him but totally and utterly failed! Didn't you hunnii?" I smirked at him, pinching his cheeks while doing so.

"Oh my god dude! You actually got rejected by a chick?" Liam shouted over, while everyone else giggled to this.

"I didn't get rejected, I told her that she would soon fall for me and she sai--"

"And I said I would never fall for him. Do you want to know why I will never fall for you harry?"

"Go on then. Tell me. Tell me why you won't fall for me?"

"Well, you think your such a badass when really, all your putting yourself into is deeper shit! Also your ego is way too big for me to handle! Your too full of yourself and I have a dislike to people who are like that."

"Dude, you just got burned!" Niall yelled over to him, making everyone in the group and me laugh.

"Shut up niall. And as for you..." He said pointing at me, "I will show you that my ego can be normal and I will make sure you fall for me!"

"Is that a threat harry?" I said with a smirk.

"No baby! That's a promise!"


Authors note//

Woohoo! Starting my second fanfiction again! Can't believe it :D

So how was that chapter? I hope it was good?

I'm so sorry its a short paragraph, I had writers block but I promised my friend emily that I would update this week so I decided to do it tonight since I was bored...

Hopefully I will be updating more regular now.

I love you all so much!

Have fun guys :*

-Mrs. Styles xx

The Schools Bad Boy That I Fell For. (Harry Styles) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now