chapter 25: The Unexpected News and The Meeting

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Chapter 25

Isabelle's pov...

"Hello uncle simon."

"Isabelle, what can I do the pleasure with seeing you?"

"I just came to drop off something for you to listen to." I said, walking to the desk and placing the disc onto it.

He picked it up and examined the object that was in his hands.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"We did a song and my mates told us to record it, strip it onto a disc and bring it to you, so we did."

"And why would I want this?"

"Isn't it obvious. Its for you to listen to and tell us if you like it or not?"

"And why would I do th--"

"God dammit! Just listen to the god damn disc will you and tell us your opinion to it! Its not that hard you know?" Roselle said with a raised voice.

I looked at her in utter shock while she stared at uncle simon with a straight face.

"And who might you be?"

"Your other niece."

"Excuse me?" He said in utter shock.

"Yep, uncle si, meet your other niece, roselle; my twin sister."

"T-twin sister?"

"Yep, dad had two of us but never told you about the other one of us, which is me." She said back to him, "He spoke fondly of you, to me, though. I've always wanted to meet you and see what you do. Now I have."

"You sure have." He said, looking at the both of us in awe.

"So, will you please go and listen to the disc uncle si?"

"Err... Yes, I'll go and listen to it now. I'll be right back." He replied, picking up the disc and walking out the brown, wooden door.

After about ten minutes, he was back. I've never noticed this before but he always keeps to one facial expression.

"So, what did you think?" Roselle asked nervously.

He kept a straight face for as long as he could until it cracked. There was a smile growing onto his face. A real life smile. This must be heaven.

"I loved it! How come you girls never came to me before with this?"

"Because we've only met a couple of days ago."

"Ah, I see. So, are you living around here by any chance?"

"I am, I live about half hour from here with my friends, roselle lives just over three hours away."

"Ah, why don't you and your parents come and move in with me roselle? You won't be too far from your friends and sister. Why don't you go back home and ask your parents then tell isabelle your answer. She will then come to me to tell me your answer."

"Erm... Sure! Thanks uncle simon!"

"Its my pleasure, may I please speak with isabelle alone for about five to ten minutes?"

"Sure!" She said to uncle simon and turned to me, "I'll be outside waiting for you okay!"

I nodded my head and she left the room.

"So? What's up?"

"Well, you see, you know how much I work and how much I've been busy with my clients?"

"What? The ones you are very fondly of but have no way of telling me who they are?"

"Yeah, them ones. Well, they want to meet you and I said they could. So, will you next week pop back in and see them?"

The Schools Bad Boy That I Fell For. (Harry Styles) #Wattys2017Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora