chapter 22: Hometown and Familiar Picture

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Chapter 22

Isabelle's pov...

"I'll come with you"

"Are you sure? I don't want to push you?"

"Yeah I'm sure on one condition?"


"The deal still stands about these lot coming along as well."


"Okay then, send me the address, I'll go and pack some things and we'll come down all together."

"Okay then, see you later! Love you belle."

"Love you too ."

With that, I walked back into the house with harry and went to pack some stuff. I told the others to pack as well and they all said okay.

I packed clean clothes, my hair straighteners, my wash bag and some shoes. When I was done packing I checked my phone to see rose had text me her address.

I looked over to harry to see him still packing. I decided to go and help him since it would be quicker with the two of us.

When we all finished, we all got into the cars and drove off to my hometown. In our car was me, harry, louis, eleanor and niall. In another car was emily, dana, zayn, perrie and georgia. In ellie's car was ellie, george, liam and lucy.

We were all in the car, singing along to some jessie j, when something rotten happened.

"Oh My God! Who the hell just farted?" I shouted into the car.

"NIALL!" We all shouted out, except for him, covering up our noses.

"What! It wasn't me! I always own up to mine." Niall exclaimed back.

"Yeah! You wouldn't own up to that one because you were trying to trick us!" Louis replied.

"Okay, okay. It was me." Niall said, looking down at his lap.

"That's rank niall. Everyone wind down your windows." I yelled back.

Everyone obeyed my command and wound their windows down.

The rest of the car ride consisted of us playing eye spy, singing along to the songs on the cd and just having a catch up on what's been happening recently.

Just as I was about to say something else, we had arrived at the house or should I say mansion. This place was huge. It was bricked up with grey bricks and the windows look really fancy. As I walked into the garden, I saw there was an old man trying so hard to push a wheelbarrow of weeds but was really struggling.

I walked over to him, took the wheelbarrow off him and pushed it for him.

"Oh roselle, you don't have to do that. I can manage."

"I'm not roselle. I'm isabelle. The other daughter. And you were struggling so I wanted to help." I said with a genuine smile.

The old man gave me one back.

"Well, thank you isabelle. That's very kind of you. Its really nice to meet you after all these years."

"Its my pleasure and its really nice to meet you mr?"

"Oh I'm mr brown but you can call me william."

"Okay, well its nice to meet you too william." I said, putting the wheelbarrow in its place, "I'll see you around, bye."

"Bye isabelle and thank you again."

"No worries."

I walked back to the group and they were all nodding at me as they were trying to tell me I did the right thing. I gave them all a smile and walked up to the giant door.

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