chapter 18: The Journal

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Chapter 18

*monday morning*

Harry's pov...

I was buzzing; Literally buzzing.

I couldn't wait for today.

Today was the day I move out of the lower classes and get put into the higher classes with isabelle, she's going to be shocked when I walk into her class.

She passed all her exams as well so she says where she is.

She asked me what I got in my exams but I couldn't tell her because I wanted it to be a good surprise. She told me then we went on a date to a expensive restaurant. She told me she would pay but I refused her.

I looked back at my exam results once more before I placed them in my draw again and went downstairs where everyone was. I had a huge grin on my face and eleanor knew why, same with the rest of the group; except for isabelle.

We all ate breakfast and decided to head to school. I was getting more and more excited with every inch we were getting to school. I just want to see her face when I walk into the classroom.

When we arrived at the school, I took isabelle to her lesson and told her I would see her later. She said ok back to me and kissed me before going into her class, having no idea I would be joining her soon. I ran to the reception to pick up my new timetable and checked to see what lesson I had first. It was indeed isabelle's class I had first.

I ran back to the classroom I was once at and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A muffled voice said behind the door.

I opened the door and searched for isabelle. I saw her sitting at the back of the classroom, doodling on her notepad, not looking up.

"I'm suppose to be in here now."

"Ah right, your mr styles then."

"Yeah, I had to get my new timetable, sorry I'm late."

"Its fine. Take the seat next to miss edwards please." He said and I nodded.

I walked over to the table, where she sat at and sat down in the seat next to her. When I placed my books on the table, she looked at me and gasped. I looked at her and smirked at her.

"H-how? W-why are you here?" She stuttered out.

"You know how I said I didn't want to tell you what I got in my exams?" I asked her.


"Well, this is the reason why. I wanted to surprise you."

"This sure is a surprise. How on earth did you get in the higher group?"

"Eleanor gave me tutoring lessons so I could pass my exams and be up here with you. So, when louis took you out, me and eleanor was tutoring and when we were done we text louis to tell him to come back with you."

"You sneaky people." She said with a laugh. I couldn't help but laugh too.

"We sure are."

"Wait! Did you just say you passed your exams?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You did all that tutoring and passing the exams for me?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"That's so sweet. I love you so much harry." She said to me, hugging my side, kissing my cheek in the process.

"I love you too baby. Now explain what were doing to me."

The Schools Bad Boy That I Fell For. (Harry Styles) #Wattys2017जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें