Chapter 27

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Colleen's POV

Our life is so great! Lily is now 2 moths old and she's the perfect baby. She hardly ever cries, she's a good sleeper, and she loves her family. I slowly pick her up out of her crib and cradle her in my arms. " Good Morning." I say softly. She looks up at me with her blue eyes. "Let's go find daddy." I say and exit her room. I found Josh out by the pool working on his laptop. "Hi baby." I say and sit next to him. " Hi." he says smiling. " Hi princess." he says taking Lily from me. He plays with her for awhile while I listen to the song he's working on. " Babe this is amazing." I tell him. " "Thanks." he says smiling. It's a really sweet song about our family. I lay my head in his shoulder as I hum to the chorus. I take Lily and he wraps his arms around my waist. Man I love this family and I can't wait for it to keep growing! I post a picture of us on Instagram and someone comments "You guys truly are the Internet OTP."

This was the last chapter! I really hope you guys enjoyed this book! Thanks for all the kind words and support throughout this story. I loved writing it. I'm actually working on a new story so keep watch for that! love you guys!


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